Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Steelers Fans Are Drunk, Good at Dizzy Baseball

I've played dizzy baseball before, but never drunk dizzy baseball. From the looks of it, you pour beer down the hollow end of a banana wiffle bat, drink it, spin a bunch and try to hit a baseball. Puking is like 10 extra points or something. I suck at the game even without getting alcohol involved.

But these Steelers fans are much better individuals than I. Not only do they stay upright, but they make total contact with the pitch. Now, I know you're probably saying that you could do sooo much better, but imagine spinning around right now. Then imagine you're drunk on top of that. By the time I'd take my head off the bat, I'd most likely be falling into a crowd of friends rather than focusing on a small projectile.

On a side note, wiffle ball is badass.

Mini Pony of the Day 12-31-08

2008 is going out with...a cactus?

Sure, why not. After some nice, unseasonably warm temperature right after Christmas, its snowing again in NYC. Lightly, but still snowing.

Hope your 2008 was better than mine (it sucked), and here's to 2009 being at least 2 times better.

Enjoy the last links of 2008:

OFTOT's best Photoshops of January 2008. Check back all day for the other months. [OFTOT]

Pens lost. Dammit. [The Pensblog]

LB still wants you to give Romo time. [Larry Brown Sports]

Cian feels bad for the Lions. [fuhbaw]

Later on, 08 Buccos. [WHYGAVS?]

Jason Richardson, who I've always liked, with a ridiculous 360 dunk. [NESW Sports]

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Steelers Beer Cooler Scooters Are Too Badass

You know, I live in NYC, so getting around means lots of walking to public transportation. The subway may be your friend, but the walk to the subway sucks. To remedy this problem, someone please get me the scooter seen in this video for Malcolm Xmas.

But you don't live in NYC, do you? Well, this little bad boy seems to be going at least 2, maybe 3 MPH, so you should have no problem scootin' down the Boulevard of the Allies.

Someone bothering you at the tailgate? Just pretentiously drive away from the negative asshole. I'm telling you, this thing is a problem solver. And I don't have one yet.

Malcolm Xmas is only days away, people.

Mini Pony of the Day 12-30-08

Boardwalks on beaches are great. Mini horses with hot chicks on boardwalks on beaches are even better. And that is an intense saddle on said mini horse. But back to the chick...

...Hey, baby!

These links read better if you're on the beach:

So what's up with Ben? Complete with nightmare fuel Sanjaya Photoshop and ridiculous Judy Blume reference. [OFTOT]

Great post by my buddy Moondog. All about earning your way into the blogosphere. [Moondog Sports]

Mitch Williams to the new MLB Network? [We Should Be GMs]

Oh yeah. Mangini's son's middle name is Brett. That totally worked out in his favor. [Hockey, Football and Stiletto Shoes]

Fleury knows the Pens have been hot and cols lately. [The Flower Shop]

Jordan Staal is set to become the youngest player in NHL history to play in 200 games. [WPXI]

Monday, December 29, 2008

Dogs Love That Steelers Gear NFL Shop Commercial, Too

Seriously, what is with that damn lamp?

Back in October, we found out about some little kid who loved to lip-sync to the Steelers gear NFL Shop commercial...the one with assloads of Steelers merch and a plain, boring table lamp.

Now, we have a dog who has a similar reaction to the commercial. Sure, dogs might be a little behind toddlers on the brain function scale, but they sure do love that commercial just as much. I don't know if its the lamp, the Steelers, the opera music...but its definitely something. I'm gonna go with the Steelers, since this is a Pittsburgh blog and all.

Is this a theme now? When can we expect a chorus line of insects chirping to this commercial?

Mini Pony of the Day 12-29-08

Hey, baby. Hey, baby. Hey, baby.

All mini horses should come with chicks in hats.

These links need no hats:

Cotter's take on the win. [OFTOT]

The Penguins aren't as bad as you think. [The Pensblog]

Lesbians and the NFL. [Moondog Sports]

Terry Bradshaw wanted the Lions to lose; is a "scumbag." [The Big Lead]

The Pirates are losing on purpose. [WHYGAVS]

NFL Wild Card announcing schedule. [Awful Announcing]

Monday Morning Chrysler New Yorker

Hope you had a good Christmas. I'll be back in a semi-normal posting schedule now that the holiday is over.

The Steelers had a decent Christmas break, too, destroying the Browns 31-0 to end the Romeo Crennel/Phil Savage era. But if you didn't hear, Ben left the game on a stretcher. Concussion...with a bye week to shake off the cobwebs.

I probably caught a little flak for the stupid MMCNY last week after the loss to the Titans. But I'm not a fairweather fan who just doesn't want to write after losses. Shit, we just won, and held our "rival" off the scoreboard, but the game was 99% pointless. Assessing this game's significance would be ridiculous.

The starters needed to be in for the offense to redeem themselves after the Tennessee game. Ben threw an early pick, but Willie looked good. Blah, blah, blah, Browns suck, blah, blah, blah, Crennel and Savage fired, blah blah, "rival," blah, blah. Did I do good enough?

Playoffs next week. We don't play until the following week, where we get the highest remaining seed (Indy or San Diego). I'm out.

And high five to Tyrone Carter.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Big Ben Hurt

Big Ben was injured with 1:48 remaining in the Second Quarter of today's game. After some tense researching and waiting, it appears Ben has a concussion.

Video of the hit by D'Qwell Jackson and Willie McGinest is below.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas 2008

This image is from last Christmas. Hope you have a happy holiday wherever you are. Be safe, and high five someone you love. Or get pulled around by a mini pony.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Steelers Madden 09 Glitches Will Trip You Out

I'm not one to usually watch videos of video game glitches, but this one is pretty trippy. And as I told you yesterday, I'm putting as little effort as possible into the site for Christmas week.

Apparently, Larry Foote and Mewelde Moore turn into Santonio Holmes if the opposing team kicks off from the goal line. And not their goal line. Yours.

Do some hard drugs, and maybe this'll make sense. As for me, I'm leaving work in a bit and heading to my folk's house for Christmas. It's icy as hell in NYC, so wish me luck and safe travels. I'll do the same for you.

Merry Christmas Eve, all.

Mini Pony of the Day 12-24-08

Only Christmas-themed mini ponies for today and tomorrow. And in honor of the holidays, the older woman in this picture gets a holiday...

...Hey, baby.

Merry Christmas Eve to you. I'm at work for a half a day. Shut up.

Christmas gifts for the Steelers. [OFTOT]

Paul Pierce sleeping on the NBA on ESPN RV. [NESW Sports]

Remember the honored dead from the military this Christmas, please? [Moondog Sports]

15 greatest fart scenes in movie history. [The World of Isaac]

Penguins lost last night. To Tampa (vom). [The Pensblog]

Shavik Randolph has a Wikipedia. I don't...yet. [Zoner Sports]

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Santa Visits Mike Tomlin UPDATE

Dude, what the hell?

Santa popped into a Mike Tomlin press conference and randomness ensued.

Santa brought 5 pounds of raw meat as a snack for Casey Hampton, plugged Jim Wexell's book, stomped on a picture of LenDale White, did some James Brown stuff and threw a pass to former WR and current coach Tomlin. Yes, you did read that sentence correctly.

The video can't be embedded, so follow the link if you don't believe me.

Merry Christmas?

UPDATE: Now with Youtubey video

Danny Bonaduce Loves Steelers Fans

We're getting awfully close to Christmas, so my effort on this site is going to be minimal. I should have a pretty normal posting schedule for the rest of the week, with something even possible on Christmas Day. Because I know you can't get through a massive holiday without a mini horse fix.

So today, I turned to Youtube, which makes up a high percentage of the quality material on PSaMP. The above video was the biggest stretch to try and relate to sports, but luckily, two people are wearing Steelers jerseys.

And they meet up with Danny Bonaduce on Hollywood Blvd. and get their picture taken with him. Steelers fans? Check. Ridiculous former child actor who shares my birthday? Check. Getting posted here? You got it.

Best 5 seconds I've ever spent.

Since Snoop Dogg was wearing a Titans jersey at the game on Sunday, Steelers Nation is replacing him with Danny Bonaduce. Or not.

Mini Pony of the Day 12-23-08 I want a Lexus. It'll truly be a December to Remember...if I get a mini horse as well.

My Christmas present to you is these links:

Yep, time to shit on the Browns again. [OFTOT]

Peter King sucks. [You Lay on the Ice Like a Broad]

Big OT win by the Pens. [The Pensblog]

The Minnesota Wild logo is "acid-trip induced." [The Good Point]

Video of Shaun Ellis throwing a massive snowball into the stands. [With Leather]

Cool Dock Ellis video. [Larry Brown Sports]

Monday, December 22, 2008

Rest in Peace, Doubt About It

I'm gonna take the mic for a second and tell you about the death of a certain blog.

The guys at Doubt About It have closed up shop and took the blog out back. Gunshots were heard, and all we have left is the final post.

The end of a blog has a weird feeling. It happens so often, because most "bloggers" start a site and burn out within a month. Some of us can't let go, so we keep going because you keep reading. Assholes. DAI went strong for a year and a half. That's longer than you've ever blogged, so shut up.

I always had a closeness with DAI. When I started blogging, there was, perhaps, one major Pittsburgh sportsblog. Sure, there were a few good ones that only talked Pitt, Pirates, etc, but only one really that covered all Pittsburgh sports. So I used my knowledge and fandom to start PSaMP. Shortly after, DAI sprung up.

Since DAI started only a few short months after I started PSaMP, we sorta grew together. I watched what they were doing and they (hopefully) got a kick out of my work. I was more than honored when they imitated me in a faux conversation between Mondesi's House, The Pensblog and PSaMP.

When I hit my 6 month anniversary, I invited DAI to take part in an over-the-top 6 month celebration. They contributed a post as well as a MPotD.

But now, DAI is gone. In that final post, you'll find some truly interesting nuggets about blogging and the state of the Pittsburgh sports blogosphere. I urge you to read it. A lot of people don't have the balls to call out certain "big time" sports blogs, but DAI made sure you won't go away without a bit of dropped knowledge.

Did I always agree with everything DAI posted? Hell no, because I don't don't live in a buddy-buddy, everything is rosy type of world. But I respected that they continually put out quality material, and didn't bow to advertising dollars, recaps and glorified link dumps. Remember the Big Ben video game? Clutch.

So I salute DAI as they ride off into the sunset. The Pittsburgh sports blogosphere was a better place with them, and hopefully their words will make it an even better place in the future.

Mini Pony of the Day 12-22-08

Is that a bowling ball? DAMN THESE HOOVES!

Damn these links, too.

Cotter's take on the loss. [OFTOT]

More OFTOT. At least one Titan didn't like LenDale's asshat-edness. [OFTOT]

Colts fans hated it, too. [Stampede Blue]

If I were Donald Trump, I'd fire Jerry Jones. [Moondog Sports]

Video of Ahmad Rashad playing basketball? [NESW Sports]

Best. Picture. Ever. [Deadspin]

Monday Morning Chrysler New Yorker

You wanna know how quickly I forgot about that game? Pretty much as soon as the 31-14 loss ended.

We lost. Ben played like shit.

We still have a meaningless game to end the season and a first round bye. With the quality of the teams in the lower parts of the AFC playoffs, there's little difference between the 1 seed and 2 seed. I'd have liked the 1, but I'm not gonna complain about the 2. Until the Titans' stunning loss last week to the Texans, we weren't even in that conversation. So forget about it.

Eat me if you were expecting more.

This just in, LenDale White just got fatter.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

LenDale White is Fat

(courtesy of Steelers Depot)

Um...we both have first-round byes, LenDale. This game wasn't that important. But whatever helps you get through the day.

Next time, try and disrespect the Towel before you already have the game won and see what happens, you pompous shit.

And chew your food, fatass.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Rest in Peace, Dock Ellis

Famed Pirates pitcher Dock Ellis died yesterday. He was 63.

Ellis is said to have passed due to liver problems.

Dock is famous in Pittsburgh because of his quiet, unassuming demeanor. He never did anything to ruffle any feathers, and never pitched under the influence of drugs.

And if you believe any of that nonsense, then you need to read about the man.

Ellis famously pitched a no-hitter under the influence of LSD, and spoke out on many social topics. He spoke out on race during his career, and was a supporter of the Pirates fans walkout in the summer of '07. My favorite Ellis story, other than the LSD no-hitter, is when he tried to hit every batter in the Reds lineup in order to motivate his team. He beaned 1-2-3 hitters Pete Rose, Joe Morgan and Dan Driessen, before failing to hit Tony Perez (he walked him). He threw a few pitches at 5-spot hitter Johnny Bench's head before Pirates manager Dany Murtaugh pulled Ellis.

Without recording an out, Ellis' line looked like this: 0 IP, 0 H, 1 R, 1 ER, 1 BB, 0 K. Fantastic.

Ellis will never be forgotten in Pittsburgh, and his legend will live on no matter how much the Pirates suck nowadays.

Rest in Peace, Dock!

Friday, December 19, 2008

This One's For Dewayne Washington

Don't think Black and Golddust has forgotten about Joe Nedney's asshole, acting-bullshit, Tennessee. Dewayne is about to be redeemed.

Go Steelers!

The Steelers D Are Coverboys UPDATE

The Steelers D are featured prominently (read: on the cover) on both Sports Illustrated and ESPN the magazine this week.

I finally got my SI yesterday. I read all about the Steelers and cleverly skipped over the parts about the Ravens.

My aunt got my sister ESPN the Mag several years ago, and the damn thing won't quit coming. I can't wait to see the actual copy of this picture before I "forget" to keep reading ESPN the Magazine.

h/t to Matt for the ESPN pic

UPDATE: Oh shit, Planet Steelers has video of the ESPN cover shoot. Sweet.

Chinese People Love the Steelers

Man, I was all ready to write about MAF's comeback from injury, and how he was going to set the tone for the remainder of the Penguins season, but then I realized that I was gonna have to do a little research.

Then, I found this video of 3,000 Chinese people cheering for the Steelers. In unison, I might add. So my decision was this...look up stats and relate to MAFs injury from last season, or post this Youtube and do other stuff with my time.

/wonders why they aren't just cheering for hines ward
/knows hines is korean
/cues up ape's rittle bit of lacism
/makes "they all look alike" joke

Mini Pony of the Day 12-19-08

Jeez...little dude needs a haircut. If he keeps letting it grow, he won't be able to see the cool hay.

Or these links:

Oh, yeah. MAFs back and we won. Coincidence? [The Pensblog]

Yes the Steelers the ball. [OFTOT]

Chuck Barkley dodges shoes like GWB. [NESW Sports]

Chiefs QB Tyler Thigpen wins the prestigious WTF Award. [Shutdown Corner]

LenDale White keeps it hood. [You Been Blinded]

Braylon Edwards hates Cleveland fans. [SPORTSbyBROOKS]

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snoop Dogg is Selling His Steelers Sanctuary

What is this, Snoop Dogg and Mini Ponies now (SDaMP)? Second post about him in the past week or so.

I've only seen bits and pieces of his show Fatherhood, but the one thing that stood out was Snoop's shed, where he's banished by his kids and animals. He calls it a shed, sanctuary...whatever. When Snoop needs a place to relax (smoke), he goes out to his sanctuary.

And you better believe that his sanctuary gives homage to the Steelers.

But now, as part of the plot behind the new season, Snoop is selling his sanctuary, and upgrading to a better Steelers-themed hangout. And the old one is currently for sale on eBay, nonetheless.

All the money raised is donated to the Snoop Youth Football League, better known as the league in which Snoop coached back to back championships.

So if you have an extra $3,600 laying around (where bidding currently stands), drop some cash on the acrid-smelling Dogg House.

h/t Sheena

Aaron Smith = AFC Defensive Player of the Week

He might not be going to the Pro Bowl, but Aaron Smith was just voted AFC Defensive Player of the Week.

On a side note, do you understand how hard it is to find a picture of Smith with a female fan or two? Dude is married, quiet, has kids, isn't in the spotlight, plays an unsexy position and pretty much limits his on-field celebrations to a Keisel high-five. Needless to say, the chicks aren't gonna swarm to him like they would any of the other Steelers who recently got the weekly award.

Now that he's finally getting some pub, maybe Aaron will get recognized, and will replace some faux-injured player who will most likely pull out of the game in Honolulu.

Remember, this is the guy who tore his biceps last season, which caused our pass rush to nearly die.

Congrats, Aaron!

Mini Pony of the Day 12-18-08

I pity the fool that doesn't like this little dude's mohawk.

I also pity you if you don't read these links:

Props to Aaron Smith. More on this later. [OFTOT]

Mmmm, late 80s CBB players in a hot tub. I'd totally drop 2.6 mil for the pics. [Steady Burn]

The Gary Payton of Poultry. [NESW Sports]

MAF is back! [The Pensblog]

R.I.P. Sammy Baugh. [AP]

Spend Christmas "outdoors." [Going Five Hole]

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Time For People To Bitch About Steelers Pro Bowl Snubs

Pro Bowl results came out yesterday, and the Steelers will be represented by 3 players. Jameses Harrison and Farrior will accompany Troy Polamalu to Hawaii to wear Steelers helmets with vomit-inducing jerseys in early February.

Ed Bouchette, Steelers writer for the Post Gazette, seemed a little pissed that the team only has 3 representatives. I mean, this IS the league's best defense, right? And the team in the hunt for the top seed in the tough AFC?

Here's Bouchette:

The team with the second-best record in the AFC and with the league's best defense placed just three players for the Pro Bowl. Free safety Troy Polamalu and linebacker James Harrison will start, and linebacker James Farrior is a reserve.

If that does not rile up the 11-3 AFC North Division champs, there's more. The New York Jets placed a league-high seven players on the AFC team, the Tennessee Titans have six and the Baltimore Ravens, who lost to the Steelers twice, have five.

To which I say...who cares how many representatives are on other teams? Who cares that the Steelers only have 3 guys going to Hawaii (likely more once every big name player pulls out with an undisclosed injury)?

Doesn't this speak more to the Steelers being a team rather than a collection of individuals? Our team isn't just a handful of stars with no depth. Go down the Steelers depth chart, and a high percentage of those guys have made plays this year.

And they've had to, because of injury! Casey Hampton and Brett Keisel have missed games. Aaron Smith is having arguably his best year, but he's a no-name. Ben's thrown his share of interceptions, and Willie's been trying to contribute whenever he can get on the field.

Look, I understand that good teams have good players, and those good players should be rewarded. Hell, I wouldn't mind seeing every Steeler starting at every position on the AFC Pro Bowl squad. Seriously, Pittsburgh versus the best the NFC has to offer, only we get to wear our regular Steelers unis rather than those awful get-ups they're supposed to wear. But it ain't gonna happen.

I'll take our 11-3 record, AFC North division title and the shot at home-field advantage throughout the playoffs. Pro Bowl snubs SHOULD NOT motivate this team.

Because the Pro Bowl IS MEANINGLESS. So chill out for a sec, Ed.

Mini Pony of the Day 12-17-08

Cool animals love mini ponies. That makes me on the same level as awesome dogs.

And you're pretty cool, too, if you're here. I guess.

Read these words on the Internet:

Ravens fans are stupid with Facebook. [OFTOT]

MAF to the All-Star Game? [I Bleed Black 'n Gold]

Top 12 sports to heckle. [Epic Carnival]

An interview with Evgeni Malkin. [Puck Daddy]

JoePa got a 3-year extension. [Black Show Diaries]

The Pens need to hate Philly more. [Penguins Experience]

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Steelers Have 3 Pro Bowlers

The NFL announced the Pro Bowl rosters today. Your Pittsburgh Steelers have 3 representatives, all on the defensive side. They are:

James Harrison
James Farrior
Troy Polamalu

Harrison and Polamalu are starters. Farrior is a reserve. Each of these guys deserves strong consideration for NFL Defensive MVP.

In random news, Polamalu will be backed up by his former partner, Chris Hope.

This Post Needs No Title

In case you forgot, the Steelers clinched the AFC North with a win over the Ravens this past weekend. Naturally, the fans and players have been sorta quiet, knowing full well that an even MORE important game looms on the horizon. Home-field advantage is on the line this coming weekend in Tennessee.

But what is a division championship without a little celebration? Right? Well, even if we are staying pretty reserved about our second straight division title, I still wanna bask in the glow for at least one more minute. Or 23 seconds, at least.

We all remember this little guy...the Steelers dog that totally dominated a Browns stuffed animal. That dude is a legend.

Well, the original Browns became the Ravens, so Baltimore naturally tries to one-up Cleveland at any chance. They defected from Ohio and won more Lombardi trophies than Cleveland ever has. Now, they wanted to show that they don't need no stinkin' stuffed animal to get dominated. ROLL TAPE!

I'm kinda weirded out and ready for more football at the same time.


/ok, i'm done. on to the titans

Mini Pony of the Day 12-16-08

Check out this adorable picture. I dare someone to hate on mini horses now.

I also dare you to read these links:

Kerry Collins or Big Ben? [OFTOT]

Marisa Miller + Harley Davidson = GOOD! [Moondog Sports]

10 hottest actresses in Holiday movies. [The World of Isaac]

CSI Pensblog. [The Pensblog]

The Pirates signed that guy that threw the shoes at President Bush. [Bugs and Cranks]

Jim Boeheim hates mics. [NESW Sports]

Monday, December 15, 2008

Santonio Holmes is Funny

Santonio updated his semi-new Yardbarker blog prior to yesterday's game, and it turns out that Holmes is kinda funny. Check out the joke he wrote:

It's the third quarter and the Steelers are running a no-huddle offense.

BEN: "Tone, Heath, Nate, Hines -- come on guys, line up."

Ben looks at Heath and gives him the wink.

HINES: "What's the play? Come on man, what's the play?!"

BEN: "I got this, I got this. Don't worry about it."

Funny, yes, but it would work better if Heath actually got a decent number of balls thrown his way. Heath could totally be a Witten-type player, but he doesn't have nearly as many chances as Jason.

But maybe Santonio was just it all made sense.

Mini Pony of the Day 12-15-08

Weird tiny picture.

Cotter's take on the win. [OFTOT]

Ape's take on the win. [D.C. Steeler Nation]

Talking with Bethlehem Shoals. [HHR]

Jessica Simpson wants you to smell Tony Romo? [Cuzoogle]

MSU Playboy girl kicked out of sorority. [The World of Isaac]

Some notes about the Heisman trophy. [Gunaxin]

Monday Morning Chrysler New Yorker

Before I get into anything about the game itself, a big congrats is in order for the Steelers, who used the 13-9 win to clinch the 2008 AFC North Title! Everyone bowl and dance!

So now...the game. Let me re-print what I wrote last week, after another back and forth defensive struggle with the Cowboys:

At some point, I'm gonna have to stop saying "We let the other team hang around too's going to bite us in the ass at some point." I really do, because these Steelers have a habit of coming through games like this relatively unscathed.

There are a lot of "fans" who immediately get down on the team if we're not up 20 points at the start of the game. Those "fans" need to shut up. Tomlin and his team know what they're doing. You can't go into Baltimore, a place we haven't won at since 2002, and expect to put up gaudy numbers against the #2 D in the league. That's why Tomlin takes the ball in the Second Half. That's why he trusts Big Ben to make the necessary plays when the game is on the line. That's why the team is 11-3 through 14 games of the "hardest schedule in 25 years." The Steelers are in a cush spot, so the fairweather fans that came along during the Super Bowl should probably stay out of any and all conversations involving the team.

There still are huge caution signs on the team (Arians, Colon, etc...), but overall, Pittsburgh finds a way to win. We close with a stunned Tennessee team and the J.V. Browns, which doesn't seem half as bad as it did two days ago, when we had no first-round bye locked up.

But enough about the future. Let's look at the game.

Sasso. Jeez...Ben threw the ball 40 times. That usually causes a few picks and a lost game, but not yesterday. Ben threw the only touchdown of the game, and his only turnover was some idiotic half-fumble-half-interception. He kept the ball away from Ed Reed, and understood that Ray Lewis was going to be coming for him no matter what, just so he could get his pound-my-chest-look-at-me antics going. There were a few balls that sorta came outta his hand weird, but they didn't come back to haunt us. And his few runs early in the game were a nice touch. Good all-around game coupled with a game-winning drive, and Sasso gets 4 of 5 motorcycle helmets.

Nate and Hines and Santonio. The WR corps looked kinda quiet in the first half, and we all knew the first team to get a big play would likely dictate the rest of the game. That's why we needed a receiver to step up, and Hines did just that. He went over 100 while Nate made a few clutch grabs to make up for several dropped balls in the first half. Santonio didn't have the numbers, but was the only player on the field to get into the end zone. While Baltimore continued to hand off to McClain, Pittsburgh beat the Ravens D by going to the air. I don't know whether to half-praise Arians for a decent adjustment, or give credit to the guys catching the ball. Eh...this is Pittsburgh, so I won't stray from the Fire Bruce Arians theme. 4.5 of 5 motorcycle helmets for the trio.

D. There weren't many "numbers" to speak of, but they stayed steady and shut down the Ravens O. Farrior had 12 tackles, Timmons and Aaron Smith got to Flacco and Ryan Clark and Willie Gay both had picks. But it's nice to see the D play well while Baltimore was holding Silverback with two or three guys. We're used to seeing 13 forced fumbles, 25 sacks and 14 interceptions a game, so while the numbers were a little more subdued, the end product was exactly the same. Forget holding Baltimore under 300 yards, we almost held 'em under 200 (202). Who really wants to see this D after a first round bye in the playoffs? 4.5 of 5 motorcycle helmets.

I'd go on, but I've pretty much summed up the game. Plus, I gotta go to the bathroom.

Tennessee next week. 1 o'clock game. Remember those?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

If You're A Division Winner and You Know It...

...Bowl and dance.

Video is from the December before Ben was drafted.


Friday, December 12, 2008

I Hate the Ravens


Go Steelers!

Rick Tocchet Is, And Never Was, Smart

We'll always have a soft spot for Rick Tocchet in the Burgh, despite the fact that he only came to the team at the trading deadline of the second Cup win and the fact that he's made some pretty questionable decisions.

Tocchet, as you'll remember, pleaded guilty to conspiring and promoting an underground gambling ring. Bad choice.

Prior to that, he was on Wayne Gretzky's staff on a terrible Phoenix Coyotes team. Bad choice.

While he was waiting on sentencing for his guilty plea for gambling, he appeared at the World Series of Poker. Not smart for a guy with illegal gambling problems. Another bad choice.

After the NHL re-instated him in February 2008, he joined Barry Melrose's staff in Tampa Bay. The same Tampa Bay that is now owned by Hollywood producers who bought up any free agent regardless of team chemistry. They also hired Melrose, who had spent like 75 years at ESPN because no NHL team would hire him. Melrose was fired, and now Tocchet is the Interim Coach of the worst team in the NHL. Bad choice? Like I had to even tell you.

But was Tocchet always prone to bad decisions? Like, in his playing days...was he a smart guy? This video shows that Tocchet's history of bad decisions did not start after his playing career was over.

That's Tocchet, broken jaw and all, deciding to fight Kevin Hatcher in the '92 playoffs. You can guess how Tocchet did.

Mini Pony of the Day 12-12-08

Everyone can use a hug now and then. Especially on a Friday.

Here's the text version of a hug...these links!

Franco Harris' cheese pizza looks delicious. [OFTOT]

Um...the Pens won 9-2, and both Sykora and Dupuis got the first hat tricks of their careers. Luckily, they beat the Islanders, so I got to see it on t.v. here in NYC. [The Pensblog]

I hate Marko Jaric. [Moondog Sports]

Gary Payton makes an ugly Anderson Varejao. [NESW Sports]

Season 5 of Entourage had some sick credit music. [Cuzoogle]

No words. Just click this in preparation for Sunday. [D.C. Steeler Nation]

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Wikipedia Hates Dave Littlefield

I'm at my company Christmas party, so this is all I'm giving you. Enjoy this little nugget from my buds at TIGG:

Wikipedia Hates Dave Littlefield.

As does 99% of Pittsburgh.

More Birds are Steelers Fanboys

Back in July, I told you about this one bird that was a Steelers fanboy. That bird should totally get together with this one and discuss some Steelers stuff.

Actually, this one is demonic and creepy. If I was walking through the house in the dark and that voice started popping up, I'd most likely poo and pee wherever I was standing.

Note to Steelers fan bird owners...someone make your bird mimic Myron Cope or Bill Hillgrove, or at least something that doesn't sound like the kid from The Shining.

Mini Pony of the Day 12-11-08

From Mitch Hedberg's latest cd (r.i.p.):

If I was the Headless Horseman's horse, I would totally f**k with that guy.

"Yeah, we're going that way. We're not going towards the hay."

Thought of that when I found this picture. Listen to it here to get the full effect. Whatev. Read these links...they're just as good:

The Steelers love to wear beards. [OFTOT]

Cheerleading nuns in Sardinia. [Moondog Sports]

Another one from my buddy Moondog. Elisha Cuthbert DOES NOT look sloppy. Hawt. [Moondog Sports]

Now playing in Toronto theaters...Forgetting Sam Mitchell. [Cuzoogle]

Yeah, rough loss for the Pens last night. Especially 'cos the Rangers won, too. [The Pensblog]

Google says the New York Giants were the most-searched sports team this past year. [Intentional Foul]

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Matt Mosley is Bitter

One more little bit from me regarding the Cowboys game, then all my attention is going to the upcoming game in Baltimore.

I've given ESPN "blogger" Matt Mosley a decent amount of grief. Right after he launched's first blog, Hashmarks, I tore apart the notion that he was, in fact, starting a blog. And I think I just used up my comma quota in that last sentence.

Whatever your feelings are regarding that little nugget, check out what Mosley had to say about Deshea's game-winning pick-6. Remember that Mosley writes the NFC East blog on the dot com, and was an award winning writer for the DALLAS Morning News.

The Steelers also hated the fact that Witten suggested that his slip led to the game-winning interception. Townsend wanted everyone to know that defensive coordinator Dick LaBeau knew the exact play the Cowboys were going to run when they lined up with trips to the right side. Well, I highly doubt that. That's the type of things players say when they return a touchdown to win the game.

Highly doubt? That's the type of things bitter Cowboys homers say when their team collapses.

And its LeBeau. Get to know his name before you knock his genius.

Oh Yeah. Snoop Dogg Loves the Steelers and Youth Football

Sometimes, my mind wanders off, and I totally forget that Snoop Dogg has a huge stiffy for Pittsburgh sports. Remember, this is the guy that kills the old Penguins jersey in his Gin and Juice video. Also, when I saw him at Amsterjam '05 on Randalls Island in NYC (along with 311, RHCP, Garbage, Wyclef, Peaches...crazy lineup, huh?) he came out to the encore with RHCP and Bootsy while wearing a leather Steelers jacket and Steelers hat. They did some James Brown compilation was pretty sick.

I can't find any video of Snoop actually IN the jacket and hat, so you'll have to take my word for it. It was at this show (yeah, that's Snoop lighting up one of the two massive blunts he killed on stage).

So I gotta show love to Snoop and his Pomona Steelers youth football team, who won the second of back to back SYFL titles this past weekend. They beat the Expo Panthers, 20-0. Young Buck was the halftime entertainment. Of course he was.

Video evidence of Snoop celebrating with his team and cheerleaders is below.

Mini Pony of the Day 12-10-08

Fantastic. If only I had a mini horse when I was that age, PSaMP would be so much cooler. Not that it isn't cool now. I'm just saying, had I had a know what, I'm stopping. PSaMP is badass and that's the final word.

Now read on:

Ravens fans are weird. Who likes purple over black and gold? [OFTOT]

Colt McCoy is the man. [Moondog Sports]

I miss all the injured Pens, too!:( [Puck Huffers]

What's up with the inconsistency with the Pens? [Eddy Spaghetti]

The Mets got K-Rod. [Buckets of Ink]

Should we get Ovechkin into the All-Star Game for a top line of Sid-Geno-A.O.? [The Pensblog]

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Site News: PSaMP Will Liveblog Puppy Bowl V!

So, the past few weeks of the NFL season have predictably brought on postseason talk, with teams jockeying for playoff position. This is only gonna get more intense as the regular season nears its end. Then, once the playoffs start, we'll be hearing about the Super Bowl nonstop.

The Steelers will inevitably play in the Super Bowl, so I'll be around a television all day on February 1st. Which brings me to the point of this post.


I wanted to do it last year for Pupy Bowl IV, but didn't have the time. But dammit, I'm staking claim to the only Puppy Bowl live blog that will matter come early February '09. The NY Post tried to do it last year, and the attempt was cheap. We're going all out for Puppy Bowl V here at PSaMP, with cuteness overload everywhere you look.

I felt today was good enough for the announcement, seeing as major networks are announcing television strategies to counteract the Super Bowl. Puppy Bowl has will be a perfect fit here, seeing my love for cool little critters 'n all.

I'll be re-announcing my liveblog plans when Puppy Bowl gets closer, but if you'd like to be re-informed via email, hit me up and I'll get you on a email chain.

Remember, the definitive Puppy Bowl V liveblog will be here at PSaMP.

Mini Pony of the Day 12-9-08

According to this website, this is a fake mini horse. Still, you'd be an idiot to think I wouldn't use it. It's friggin creepy.

These links don't need no stinking dresses:

Baltimore. Jeez. [OFTOT]

Pens blew another lead last night. Gross. [The Pensblog]

Lane Kiffin is honest. [Moondog Sports]

Jeff Garcia dates hot quarterbacks. Rawr. [The World of Isaac]

Episode 3 of my buddy Ethan's sports blog show. [NESW Sports]

Sad. HS football recruit kills himself at a traffic stop. [SPORTSbyBROOKS]

Monday, December 8, 2008

[Unnamed] Steelers Pregame Show Outtakes

Most of the outtakes are of us watching some show about the Deadliest Stunts Gone Wrong, or something like that. I'm a sucker for exxxxxxxtreme video shows like that.

So enjoy.

Pretend like you didn't watch this here, then watch it again over at Cotter's pad.

Mini Pony of the Day 12-8-08

Best. Bumper sticker. Ever?

Nothing else to say right now. On to the links.

Cotter's take on the win. [OFTOT]

The Gators are on a mission. [Moondog Sports]

David Stern's NBA Christmas CD! [Cuzoogle]

The Browns are looking to bring back Marty Schottenheimer. Hahahaha. Oh wait...Hahahahahaha again! [ESPN]

The Steelers helped some dude win $1 million. [SPORTSbyBROOKS]

Jared Allen is a dick. [Larry Brown Sports]

Monday Morning Chrysler New Yorker

I woulda got this to you a little sooner, but T.O. affected my timing with multiple, uncalled, hands-to-the-face infractions.

We won! Gatorade baths for everyone! 20-13 Steelers. But isn't that always the score? Or like, 23-10...or somewhere around there?

I'm a chronic nail-biter, but last game did me no favors in trying to stop my fixation. I have about no nails left. Actually, I think I have negative nails at this point. I owe my fingers some nails. Thanks, Cowboys-Steelers!

At some point, I'm gonna have to stop saying "We let the other team hang around too's going to bite us in the ass at some point." I really do, because these Steelers have a habit of coming through games like this relatively unscathed. Yeah, the Cowboys moved the ball in the 3rd, but that was with the aid of the wind. I tried to keep my composure, knowing that any rally would have to come in the 4th, when WE had the wind. And that's why I'll start my ratings off with...

...Mike Tomlin. Man, I love how this guy constantly employs my Madden strategy, and ALWAYS defers to the Second Half when he wins the coin toss. In a place like Heinz Field, this is critical. Perhaps not so much when we're in Baltimore next week, or Tennessee the week after, but this seemingly unimportant decision looms large when you play a minimum of 8 games next to the Confluence. I can't fault Tomlin for the Cowboys making big defensive plays near the goal line...their team was on a mission (being on the outside of the playoffs will do that to some teams), and Tomlin stayed the course. He played the wind/field position game perfectly, and his playmakers stepped up to the challenge. The Steelers DID miss near the goal line, so I can't give Tomlin a perfect score, so we'll go with 4.5 of 5 motorcycle helmets.

Sasso. His game was all-around meh, but Ben understood the urgency of the situation in the 4th, and brought his team back in it like he has many times before. Another near 50% completion game, with one passing TD to go with a lost fumble and 204 passing yards. No interceptions in the wind, so there's that. And that 40+ yarder to Santonio was perfect, even though it was into the wind. Ben didn't lose the game for us, which can't be said about Romo. 3.5 of 5 motorcycle helmets for Ben. That First Half was tough to watch.

D. We got outworked by Dallas on many occasions. Their O clicked in the 3rd (partly due to the wind), and Tashard Choice displayed his talents against the top ranked defense. But the D didn't cave when Dallas was moving, and refused to be completely outplayed by the 'Boys. Silverback looked tired by the end of the game, but still got his usual sack and forced fumble. It's pretty cool when I'm pretty indifferent about 9 tackles, a sack and a forced fumble. Overall, the unit had 3 sacks to go with 3 picks and 5 total turnovers. Dallas' last play on 4th Down was huge, as they had 289 total team yards, and a conversion would've likely ended the streak of not allowing a 300 yard game this season. Big stop to keep the win and streak alive. They'll mirror Tomlin here, and get 4.5 of 5 motorcycle helmets.

Deshea. He gets his own spot today because he quietly does his job with little problem and is always solid on the field. He rung up 3 tackles, but its nice to see a 65 year old vet like Deshea factor into the winning points. Romo served him up an easy pick, and he outraced a hobbled Jason Witten to the end zone. Deshea, you get a perfect 5 of 5 motorcycle helmets for the icing on the cake.

Mitch Berger. Negative 5 of 5 motorcycle helmets. I may owe myself some fingernails, but you owe me a bunch of motorcycle helmet ratings.

In Baltimore next week. The Ravens D is looking just as good as ours. Glad we got a 1-game lead going into this.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Steelers Win!

17 4th Quarter points! Steelers 20, Cowboys 13.

Enjoy that Gatorade, fella.

[Unnamed] Steelers Pregame Show. Week 14

We're back to talk about the game against the Cows.

Go Steelers.

OFTOT has this exact same thing.

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Cowboys Can Bite Me

Big Game against Big D on Sunday. Big D...Bags, more like it.

Go Steelers!


I'm amazed at what people put on Youtube sometimes. The above fan video is a bit disturbing, which makes me question the motives of the fan. We all know athletes love the butt-slap, but I didn't think it made for good Internet video.

Oh wait.

And the video's uploader described the video with one word:


Well played, highlightkey.

If you, too, enjoy watching a fully-grown Pittsburgh Steeler place a well-executed butt slap onto another fully-grown Pittsburgh Steeler, the video is above for your pleasure(?).

Mini Pony of the Day 12-5-08

Canada rules?

Big ups to the crew at 660 AM in Pittsburgh. We had a nice, on-air chat from about 7:45 to 8 this morning, talking all about some of the biggest sports happenings in the city. If you're a listener, welcome, and I'm glad we got to meet each other (you meeting my voice, that is).

If you're new, I shoot out a Mini Pony of the Day every morning of the workweek, accompanied by a few links. Stay tuned for the most badass local sports coverage throughout the day as well.

Onto the links:

There's like 1,000 people in this week's MPIE. [OFTOT]

Cowboys-Steelers is more than a game. [Moondog Sports]

Steve Mariucci interrupted Favre. Awesome. [NESW Sports]

Big win for the Pens last night. [The Pensblog]

Safeco Field now has a new neighbor...a strip club! [Lion in Oil]

Yep, Sean Avery is even MORE of a dick. [With Leather]

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Listen to PSaMP on the Radio

Check me out, sometime tomorrow morning on 660 AM in Pittsburgh. You can hear me on the Kegs and Eggs Morning Show. I'll be calling them sometime between 7:30 and 8 AM. So I'll be easing your early morning school or work trip.

660 AM has been all about bloggers, my buddies from The Pensblog hitting up the station yesterday. I'll be talking sports and blogging, or something like that.

Be sure to tune in!

I've told you about my hate of Power Rankings before, here and here. So knowing my opinion, check this out.

I don't mind Michael David Smith at Fanhouse. He's a good investigative blogger and writes 2 million posts a day at places all around the world wide web. But this is awful.

He put out Fanhouse's latest NFL Power Rankings. Giants 1, Steelers 2, Titans 3, Ravens 4. Lovely praise for Pittsburgh:

- "There haven't been many more impressive performances in the NFL this season than the one the Steelers' defense put together against the Patriots on Sunday."

But complete horseshit (mini horseshit?) about the Ravens:

- "...we shouldn't overlook what a strong year Haloti Ngata is having for the Ravens. Baltimore has the best defense in the NFL, and no one deserves more credit for that than Ngata."

Really? Let's look at those NFL stats again.

Looks like a clean sweep to me. Just a little more research next time, MDS.