Friday, March 23, 2007

Mmm, A Hoagie and an Apple a Day Keeps the Tears Away!

pitt lost. i guess 36 percent shooting nights dont cut it in march. who wouldve thunk? levon kendall doesnt seem to be consoled by his after-game dinner. i guess im more concerned about the fact that labeled the game a sparkling free throw shooting night by a howland-coached team. i didnt think that was possible.
i knew pitt was gonna lose. had them picked to lose to ucla in this round. i watched the first half of the game before shutting it off, because i cant stand to watch pitt lose. it happens every year, and there was nothing shown this entire year that said that a talented group like this could finally make it past the sweet 16. pitt, for some reason, is never that team.
altogether, it was a pretty rough past 24 hours in pittsburgh. it pretty much seems like the skys opened up and took a huge poo on the steel city in the past day. pitt went down. the pens lost. even the xplosion lost! and the weather has been real nasty, with nothing but rain and gloominess. the only thing that could possibly lift my spirits would be a local boy surviving after being trapped under concrete, or the mpotd (ill get that to you later).
i was mad that pitt lost, but ucla's win did nothing to hurt my bracket (which is a mess no matter what). i think the bigger dagger from last night was texas a&m losing, since i picked them as your ncaa national champions. one of these days, my longshot will prove me right.

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