Sunday, April 29, 2007

Rest in Peace, Josh Hancock

As a Pirate's fan, I am steadfast in my love for the team, and disgust with everyone else in the NL Central. The Cards winning this past World Series was a kick in the chest. However, there are moments that transcend sports, and unyielding support and prayers must go to hated teams.

The St. Louis organization lost Josh Hancock, a relief pitcher who helped the team win it all last year. He was killed in a car accident, which is something that hits close to home for me.

On Thanksgiving of 2005, my best childhood friend was killed in a car accident. Alex was a year younger than me, and was an outstanding person. I graduated 8th grade from a small parochial school as the only boy in a 10 person class. In fact, I was the only boy in that class from 6th-8th grade. Alex was one of only 2 boys in the class behind me, and the two of us became fast friends. Losing him stays with me to this day.

Only 3 months after Alex was taken from this Earth, my college buddy Paul was tragically killed in a car crash as well. Paul was about 6 foot 5, 275 pounds and awkward as hell. He loved basketball, and I have many memories of watching the NCAAs with Paul, then playing pickup games after. Despite his obvious size advantages, Paul couldn't shoot, and you would have a hard time sliding a piece of paper under his vertical leap. Paul had just graduated college the year before, and his fiancee gave birth to the couple's first child, who was several weeks premature, only 3 weeks before Paul was taken. Paul, too, will forever be with me.

I apologize for the sentimental post, but car crashes really tear at me, and Hancock will be truly missed. The Cardinals, despite being a thorn in the Pirates' sides for many years, are a first-class organization. This is terrible news, and the Cardinals, as well as the Hancock family, will be in my thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate the sentiment in your post. Thank you for writing it.


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