Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Click-Worthy Reads

Here's what PSaMP is reading now. Join in and you can read words at the same time PSaMP does!

- Personalized NFL Jerseys. DAI is quickly becoming a PSaMP fave and has put out some quality posts in its short existence. These personalized NFL jerseys are a perfect give for the person you love. And by love, I mean don't love.

- Who are the Pens Gonna Draft? PPSR is another upstart Pittsburgh blog, and it is well worth your time. The Pens aren't banking on another top-5 prospect, and the middle of the pack is remarkably less sexy than the top. But middle picks = good previous season, so I'll take it.

- How do the Bengals' Arrests Stack Up Against Each Other? This list will need to be edited in a few days. Guaranteed.

- MNF is Trying to Get Every Mike Associated with Sports to Help with Football Coverage. And Bonnie Bernstein.

- More Fun with Gary Roberts. Seriously, the Pens need to re-sign Gary just so Pensblog can keep this up. For real.

- The Buccos are Embarrassing. So if I delete the cookies from my computer, I can send ADD Laroche to the All-Star Game? Sweet!

- Giambi is a Perfect Target for The Dugout. Honestly, this has been one of my all-time favorite sites for a long time. The humor is spot on. I've cried at more Dugout posts than most people cry at The Notebook or some other crappy movie. I'll give you a brief taste:

/ponders eating own vomit.

Now read that post and see why that line is so funny.

That's enough. Simultaneous reading with PSaMP. What more do you need?

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