Sunday, June 3, 2007

Mini Pony of the Day 6-3-07

Unprecedented. This makes 3 daily ponies in a row without a single post about 'Burgh sports to break it up.

I was all prepared to update my Reasons to Keep Watching the Bucs This Season list, but the team decided to blow a 4-run lead to the Dodgers, and I don't take losses very well. I'm one to get emotionally involved in the most meaningless of games. Steelers season is the worst. I will try to physically fight you if you talk to me within 100 hours of a Steelers loss. Pirates losses, though way more frequent, still have that same effect.

Gorzo pitched well through 6 2/3, but Jim Tracy decided to let him keep going, although he was clearly losing his "stuff." The 7th ended with the lead cut to 4-3. Salomon Torres worked 1/3 of an inning, and allowed 4 hits. 4 hits! In 1/3 of an inning! One of 'em was a 2-run shot by Andre Ethier to give L.A. a 5-4 advantage. I'm trying not to punch the computer screen as I type this.

The Buccos started the day only 6.5 games behind Milwaukee, and were in 2nd place in the Central. Now, Pittsburgh lost another full game to the Brewers. We sit 7.5 back, and now the horrible Cardinals leapfrogged the Bucs with a (rare) win of their own. Plus Roger Clemens decided to push his first start back. Of course, its against the Buccos. And its (kinda) raining, so I'm in no mood to really talk about sports.

Oh, but the Passion won, yesterday. Take that, Sizzle. There's no info about the game, and the NWFA is trying desperately to update their stats. They are failing. All I know is that the Passion are undefeated. Still. I'll get you the recap promptly.

So maybe this did turn into a sports-related post. I feel like I've neglected the ultra-awesome smiling mini pony with the terrible teeth. Seriously, this pony needs the cutest tube of Crest. He's laughing at the Buccos' feeble attempt to stay relevant in the Central. I hate being all negative, but the Pirates need to put some sort of win streak together. I would rather say that this pony is laughing at the rest of the Central as the Bucs roll to the division lead. But that's a lie.

So enjoy today's MPotD. His teeth may look creepy, but he seems to be in a good mood, unlike PSaMP. I'm gonna go stare at this picture for awhile until I get in a better mood.

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