Friday, July 20, 2007

Visitor of the Week: Next to Last Week of July

Just like last week, this week's visitors were too good to whittle down to only one. So I'm following last week's precedent, and giving you two cool visitors from the past 7 days.

This first one is killer. Apparently, Google links to PSaMP if you are trying to find awesome information about those mini helmets that ice cream shops use for sundaes. I still have several of those tiny little helmets from back in the day when I'd walk across the bridge in my hometown to the Tastee Freez.

In a related story, read The Sports Hernia's ridiculously funny post about Barry Lamar Bonds and mini sundae helmets. Great stuff.

Secondly, looks like PSaMP has attracted Edgar Snyder himself, or at least one of his associates. I linked to his cool blog earlier in the week, and it apparently caught the eye of someone at the injury lawyer's practice. If you link to him (Edgar), he will come...

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we are enjoying your blog at Edgar Snyder & Associates. Google Alerts caught your post, which I forwarded to Edgar, and he got a real kick out of it. We also heard about the post from one of our staffers who regularly reads your blog. Keep up the good work!


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