Thursday, August 9, 2007

Steely McBeam Commands Your Attention

Steely McBeam? Why?

I've been dreading this for awhile, now, and the naming delay just added to the nervous apprehension. Somewhere in between Stevie Steeler and the Terrible Fan, the Steelers have given us the newest addition to the infrequent mascot arsenal.

I was hoping for something simple that rivaled the two names of the past official and unofficial mascots, but this sounds like a crappy Irish pornstar. I think I'd rather the large, foam man be named Bill Cowher.

With a name like his, Steely would probably have to whoop some ass to get some respect around the Pittsburgh mascot scene. Iceburgh and the Parrot laughed when the name was revealed.

I hope this doesn't divide Steeler Nation's relatively unrelenting fan base. It may take some time for most fans to warm to the idea of not only a mascot, but one that's named Steely McBeam.

Let's say I'm hesitantly acceptive, at best.


  1. I just want to know why Rooney thought this was a good idea. Maybe if he does one-handed push-up in the end zone every time we score like the Nittany Lion, I might warm up to him. But I doubt it.

  2. I've had to say this over and over again this morning.

    Really? I don't care. Once the game starts, who cares about some guy in a foam suit.

  3. ehhh... just wrote a blog on ol' steely.

    thanks for the kind words of my dad! i appreciate it!!!

  4. Steely McBeam? Ugh, this is really dispiriting.

    Cue the bad porn name jokes >>> "Steely McBeam goes commando!"


  5. B&G- The pushups would def be a plus.

    TSW- Well said. I only post this because the name reminded me of the bastard child of Steely Dan and recent Steelers draft pick Ryan McBean.

    Captain- No prob. Its the least I could do.

    JPPB- Horrible barely describes it.

  6. i'm going to try real hard to like this, this, this,..... this thing because i have always believed the rooneys could do no wrong. that, and i have a 7 year old daughter who thinks it's the greatest thing ever.
    and still i guess 1 bad decision in 75 years is not too bad!
    (they did cut johnny u though, didn't they. o.k. well maybe 2 mistakes in 75 years)

  7. I'm ok with the concept of a mascot. It's not exactly my cup of tea, but it certainly gives the team a new appeal for certain demographics (primarily the young elementary aged set). Heck, I can still remember a game I went to many moons ago vs. the Houston Oilers at Three Rivers(hey! I guess they had a "Moon" too...what a coincidence!). The highlight of that game wasn't that we sat next to Houston WR Ernest Givens' family. And don't even ask me who won, much less the final score. Nope! The thing that sticks out most in my mind about that game some 15-20 years later is that I got to shake hands with not one, but TWO Steeler Mascots. Stevie Steeler and the Terrible Fan BOTH graced me with their presence that day. It was quite a highlight for a kid of my age, who was much more interested in the sideshows than the actual games.

    Flash forward to today. I'm now privileged enough to attend nearly every home game with my dad, who has a set of season tix. I've only got one thing left to say to ol' Steely....shake hands all you want in the pregame parking lots, in the stadium corridors. High five away from the field during pregame. Be a good P.R. outreach to the kiddies. But don't you DARE get in my way of watching my "Stillers"!

    As for the name itself, it sounds like something that would come out of the head of a preschooler! I'd call it terrible, but that may be an insult to Myron Cope's fine piece of linen. The only thing worse than the name is that the idea was submitted not by a child, but by a supposedly self respecting,assumedly semi-educated adult woman. Senility is obviously setting in for her!


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