Thursday, September 13, 2007

Hey, Ladies...

I know this picture has made its rounds, but come there a better visual representation for this story?

PSaMP isn't shy about showing its love for the fairer sex. PSaMP is your official unofficial Pittsburgh Passion women's football team blog, and Ladies..., Babes Love Baseball and Girls Gone Sports are three sportsblogs that I make sure to frequent. I knew there was a reason for this. It must be because you ladies love the Steelers.

According to a Scarborough Sports Marketing survey of 220,354 residents in 75 United States markets, Pittsburgh has the largest female fan base in the entire NFL. Its not even close, too. Pittsburgh comes in with a whopping 34% of females living in the area claiming to be Steelers fans. Green Bay comes in second with 29% of Green Bay women professing their love for the Pack. That's a 5% difference between the 'Burgh and the football mecca that is Green Bay. I'm proud of yinz girls out there representin'.

The Post-Gazette is even running an open forum to discuss why you women are so loyal to the Steelers. A common answer is tradition. If you're born in or are bred to hate the Browns love the Steelers.

And its not just locals, either. Thanks in large part to the collapse of the Steel industry, female Steelers fans are everywhere. In the late 70s and early 80s, many a steel worker left town to find jobs. There families were raised elsewhere, but the Steelers tradition stayed true. That's why Steelers Nation is so large and powerful. When you see those Terrible Towels at each and every opposing teams' stadiums, those aren't all travelling Pittsburghers. Those are former 'Burghers who refuse to let the distance between them and their team quiet their Black and Gold voices.

Steelers Nation owes a debt of gratitude to all the local and not-so-local female Steelers fans. This Scarborough poll just re-emphasized how large and diverse Steelers Nation really is.

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