Friday, November 9, 2007

Browns Fans Have Selective Memories

Many a Browns fan are calling for Hines Ward's head on a platter, referring to Ward's hit on Daven Holly in week 1. Ward was penalized and fined for the hit, as seen in this Ludacris-laced video:

Also, Browns fans were quick to criticize James Farrior (on this post) and his recent comments about Kellen Winslow, in which he said,

"[Winslow] better have his head on a swivel every time we go up against those guys because I’ll be looking for him."

For those of you with short memories, here is the hit on Farrior by Winslow from last season.

But its only the Steelers who do this kinda thing, right?




  1. Dude, come on, I mean the Browns are obviously the class of the league. Didn't they throw beer on Ocho Cinco? Class. All. Day. Long.

  2. Hines Turd has done it multiple times, and celebrated over the other player.

    Also, the dirtiest play of today's game was a Stiller stepping on a Brown. Flagged for "taunting."

    Continually classless -- the Pittsburgh Steelers.


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