Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Eagles Fans Rule

Since I'm currently out of state and away from all internet connections, I'm forced to offer you, the reader, a glimpse into my cell phone picture archive.

This fantastic offering comes from two weekends ago, when I was just outside Philly, in Delaware. This dude (pictured above) ruled.

Observe the pinkish, long-sleeved t-shirt under the Westbrook jersey tucked amazingly into the pseudo Wranglers. The cell phone belt clip tops off the ensemble.

You can credit this guy with Philly's recent comeback against the Skins.


  1. Delaware, a unique cultural experience. Did you see any zubas pants or Oakley shades from the early 90s?

    Yeah, I've been to Delaware...

  2. There's lots to do in Del-a-ware...

    Eagle fans are the bestest, I don't know of another fan base outside of philly that will turn on a player and/or their team like they do. nothing pained me more than the eagles making the super bowl a few years back and ending their bid to be the little Bills.


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