Friday, November 16, 2007

Gil Brown Makes Me Excited For Pitt Basketball Season

Yes, I know I'm not really a basketball blog, but I did start PSaMP during March Madness last season, and Pitt basketball has always been a blessing/curse.

I'm always excited, because Jamie Dixon always puts out a strong team. However, they always (and I can say always) fold when the tourney comes around, and I'm constantly left screaming at the T.V.

However, super frosh Gilbert Brown is genuinely making me pumped for the young season. He's reminding me of Julius Page, only better. These vids illustrate that point.

Sorry if you're turned off by my straying from the Buccos/Stillers/Pens. Aside from Passion football, Pitt basketball lives as the city's fourth team in my mind.

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