Wednesday, November 7, 2007

This Is Not "Browns Week"

Click on that picture for a larger view. Its from a Cleveland Browns blog. See if you can spot the weird combination of words that you will never find on a Steelers blog.

I took the time to peruse through a few Browns blogs, and I am scarred for life. All kidding aside, I wanted to see what some Brownies bloggers were saying about this week's match up between the top two teams in the North. As much as I hate the Browns, I will give some very little credit to the team for turning around what could have been a disastrous season. That's all the credit I'll give to our "rival."

I use quotation marks around the word rival because we've beat Cleveland 8 straight and 20 of the last 23 times.

Here's a compilation of what they're saying about this week's game over in Browns-land.

Dawgs By Nature. Are You Ready? Its STEELERS Week:
This isn't the Browns team that we saw in Week 1. This is the Browns team that has the offensive firepower to take down the Steelers, and just like the Colts/Patriots game was hyped all of this past week, you'd better believe that this is the "game of the year" for Browns fans.

-PSaMP's take: Didn't Cincy have the offensive firepower to take down the Steelers as well? Don't forget that our D hasn't given up 100 total points yet through 8 games.

Commenter on the Dawgs By Nature post:
Personally, as long as the secondary can step up and knock the crap out of Ward, I'll be happy.

-PSaMP's take: Let's ask Bart Scott and Ed Reed what they think about that comment.

Ace Davis' Cleveland Browns Blog. A Sporting Chance:
An upset at Pittsburgh would be a tremendous boon, no doubt. But even if the Browns, dare I say it, lose to the Steelers and even the Ravens the following week, they still will have a decent shot at the post-season if their confidence and health are not destroyed in the process.

-PSaMP's take: Confidence and/or health will be destroyed. Write that down. Still, Cleveland has a gravy schedule after the Pittsburgh game.

Brown's Locker. The Browns Have Claimed CB Ricardo Colclough:
[Colclough] has played in 36 games (0 starts) in his NFL career and he has made 60 tackles, 2.5 sacks, defensed 7 passes, had 1 interception and recovered 5 fumbles. This was a nice low risk/high reward move by the Browns.

-PSaMP's take: I'm not even going there.

Browns Gab. Browns Are A Different Team:
The Browns lost their season-opener at home to the Steelers, 34-7 as the offense managed just 221 yards. The Browns offense has taken off since Derek Anderson took over at quarterback as they’ve averaged over 31 points a game. The Steelers also collected six sacks, but Browns offensive line has allowed just one sack per game since the Pittsburgh loss. Crenenel believes that this meeting with the Steelers will help his staff get a better evaluation of where the Browns are in their development.

PSaMP's take: James Harrison doesn't care for your one sack per game since the Pittsburgh loss ratio.

Mistake By The Lake. Born And Raised On The Cleveland Browns: Week 9:
The Browns crush the Pittsburgh Steelers so mightily, all the Steelers players will retire, all the Steelers fans in attendance will commit themselves to an insane asylum, the Heinz corporation will go bankrupt, the color yellow will be removed from the spectrum of visible light, and The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh will be banned from cable reruns forever.

PSaMP's take: That piece of satire actually made me laugh in a "that is kinda funny" way. Well done.

I'll be looking for the streak to hit 9 consecutive and 21 of the last 24 straight games. The Browns have improved, but the Steelers D has been rock solid. And Bennifer is rolling. Steelers will win at home. Done and done.


  1. If you're stupid enough to use Firefox but not block Google ads, I hope you at least clicked through :)

  2. Oops, I take that back. You heart Microsoft. That and your bravado (not to mention your eyesore of a template) establish that your mind is as empty as your pony emporium.

  3. Ouch. A template insult. That cuts deep. Ain't nothing like a superficial dig.

    I guess my emporium is as empty as your site's comments section. Or your team's trophy case.

    Or their win column versus the Steelers this millenium.

    I could keep going if you'd like.

  4. My site's moved around a bit in the five years I've been doing this, so the comments are elsewhere.

    On the Browns' trophy case and wins vs the Squealers this millenium, keep going all you want in this inside-out equine echo chamber. You're just wrong on the facts is all.

    BTW, I think my toddler may have farted on your lover last time the circus came to town.

  5. Hmmm. I think my team farted on yours last time we played. And the last 8, plus 20 of the past 23. That's the facts I'm looking at. Please tell me where they are wrong. I don't think my bravado should be the one in question.

    Echo chamber? I write for the love, not the recognition. I'll do it for 1 or 1 million. Maybe you should re-evaluate what blogging is all about, chief.

  6. Oh guys, stop all this playful banter and just make out why don't you?

    PS - Dude who writes Browns Gab also writes Steelers does that work?

  7. @ Tecmo Bowl Bo Jackson:

    Anyone who says the Browns' tropy case is empty has no idea of football history. Absolutely none.

  8. Cool...lets honestly compare AAFC and pre Super Bowl era championships to Super Bowl wins. Y'all haven't won anything of meaning in the past 50 years (nearly) and you're gonna try and use that as an argument? That's like me saying Paul Waner would be able to hold his own against a Roger Clemens in his prime

  9. Yeah, Jim Brown would have a lot of trouble with the current Stiller D. Riiiiight.


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