Saturday, January 19, 2008

Cloverfield Time

About to see Cloverfield...


  1. What'd you think? I thought it was so-so, the other 3 people I was with all hated it and so did most of the people in the theater.

    The first half was tense and weird and I liked it, but it couldn't hold on through the second half of the film.

    A piece of rebar through your chest? No problem! Yeesh. I gave it 2.5 stars out of 5. Very ambitious and awesomely hyped, but it didn't quite deliver.

  2. My sister hated it. I loved it. I'm a huge fan of offbeat movies that everyone else hates.

    I had a bit of a problem with the rebar through the chest. And when the monster saw and attacked little Hud, despite onslaughts from armies and bigger machinery.

    Overall, I give it 4.5 out of 5. I'm big into hype, and the splash in the water at the end, coupled with the audio clip after the credits makes me hope there is a sequel. Plus, I heard the director let on that there might be other amateur videos shot of that night. I'd like to see a sequel from someone else's p.o.v., like maybe the black military dude who lets Rob go find Beth. Same plot, but you maybe see more of the battle with the monster, and what really happens after Rob and Beth get bombed.


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