Thursday, January 31, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 1-31-08

Sheena bought me this Grow-A-Pony. It takes 10 days to grow 600%. That's 240 hours. I started this little bugger yesterday at 6:30 P.M. This picture is at hour 19 1/2.

Expect more updates as MPotD during the 10-day span.

Here's some of the quips and quotes on the packaging, along with my own remarks:

- Now your dream of owning a pony of your very own can become a reality!! Damn straight.

- Your new pony is the best pet in the world. I believe it.

- He is very easy to take care for and will love you very much! Word.

- Your growing pony never needs to be fed, only watered. Convenient.

- You won't have the messy job of cleaning it's stall. True.

- This pony can live in your house. Tight.

- Grooming is unnecessary. Kickass.


  1. the comments on the package make it so epic

  2. The package also stated that the pony may distort as it grows. Currently, the back legs are the only things that have grown. Its...awesome.

  3. yeah, i got my daughter one of these things. but it was a shark or a fish or something that swims in the ocean. it was pretty cool, as it grew to a pretty big size. 600% increase in size from something the size of a spec of dirt, well that's pretty..... well.... o.k. maybe it wasn't that big. but it was cool. i hope your minipony grows big enough so you can ride him.

    hint: if you take it out of the water after it gets as big as it's going to get, and it drys out, and then your dog eats it, it won't shrink or enlarge anymore. just fyi.


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