Friday, February 29, 2008

Thumbwrestlers Rule

Indulge me on this slow Friday. I mean, come on...its a leap year/day, for cryin' out loud.

I came across Mental_Floss' WWF Superstars Quiz and started thinking about Thumbwrestlers. There's no adequate video of these amazing toys on the Youtubes, but I found this site. They actually had the commercial to download, so I embedded it using the awful fantastic Blogger video embedder.

I know for a fact I had Big John Studd and Hillbilly Jim. Nothing sick about sticking your thumb into a hole just above a rubber wrestler's ass.

Good times, the '80s.


  1. Not that forgotten...he ran for public office in Maryland just last year.

  2. Just read that on his page. Wow, that's impressively insane.

  3. More impressive...that Nikolai Volkoff has a Wikipedia page

  4. what was even better were those 2 "slightly bigger than ken doll" action figures of Rambo and Hulk Hogan

    how the hell did we even come into possession of those?

    oh ya

    thanks, jared

  5. Wow, I even forgot I had that commercial on my site. I feel like I left it somewhere in the internet's moldy basement. Good find!

    But yeah, they were pretty cool collectibles for WWF (WWE) fans. But as far as actual "thumb-wrestling" goes, playing without those things was more fun.


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