Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mario Lemieux Is Black

I truly apologize about overloading you with Youtube videos, but some of these rarely-viewed clips need to be seen.

Like in a hockey game from about a minute ago, Mario Lemieux was visited by a distant (to say the least) relative. Looks like Mario's ancestors were bitten with a Thomas Jefferson-esque bug.

And how do I know its old? Well, Mario's playing, so are Aleksey Morozov and Alexei Kovalev...Zdeno Chara is playing for the Senators, and the game is on...wait for it...ESPN!

Those were the good old days.

I miss NHL 2Night.


  1. NHL2Night would be great, just so I wouldn't have to wait for highlights to cycle through on other shows.

  2. Awesome find.

    NHL2Night was the best, wasn't it?


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