Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 2-13-08

Massive fences...not a friend to the mini horse.

Is that a dead one behind it? Gross.


  1. you gotta check out this link

  2. Damn. I think we always suspected it, but this adds a ton of fuel.

    I touched on that very same AFC Championship game here.

    Just One More Reason To Despise New England. UPDATED.

    I rule. At least in Sen. Specter's eyes.

  3. yes, you are the man. it just makes you wonder how many superbowls did they steal from us?
    hopefully all this will come out and goodell will have no choice but to suspend bellicheat. i'm not one of those who is going to hold this til my grave, but it's not right.


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