Wednesday, March 19, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: Pryor's Decision Leaked!

Terrelle Pryor has made his decision.

PSaMP has the Breaking News.

Michigan and Ohio State were thrown out of the running when Pryor announced that he wanted to play collegiate basketball in addition to football.

Pryor shocked the world by announcing his decision to attend...Coppin State.

With the 20-loss team bowing out of the NCAA Tournament before they could play a legit game, and with Pryor coming off a high school state championship in the sport, Terrelle figured he'd use his talents to help a team desperate for his services. Football is now considered his "2nd sport."

"I hope to bring some changes to the Coppin State program, so we can get back to the Tourney, 20-losses or not, and win a game or two. Plus, I really want to fight some Mount Saint Mary's fans" Pryor told PSaMP.

More details as they emerge.

UPDATE: Pryor's actually going to Ohio State. In case you didn't already know, I can't stand Ohio State.

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure no on in PA likes OSU.

    But I am sure that everyone in J-Town will suddenly love them some Ohio.


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