Saturday, April 26, 2008

Congrats To Sean Avery

(picture blatantly stolen from here)

PSaMP would like to congratulate Sean Avery on shis recent accomplishment.

With a 2nd period tally, Avery became the first girl to score a goal in a traditionally male-dominated, NHL Eastern Conference semifinals game! She might be a little misunderstood, but since she broke a barrier, I had to give props.

Warm congratulations from PSaMP.

P.S. Nice goal celebration.

We're celebrating the win.


  1. funny, he also recently became the first girl to stick his dick in elisha cuthbert AND mary kate olsen.

  2. F U Rangers in 5!

  3. Marc - That's great. It might help his team win games.

    Anon - Ok. The Rangers also don't cough up 3-goal leads in the semis.

  4. my understanding was that all that goal scoring he does helps his team win games. whereas you whining about him having a personality instead of being a braindead diving canuck or russian doesnt help anyone.

    the rangers will win games in this series because theyre the better team. can they overcome the collective will of the NHL officials and administration to shepherd the pens through the playoffs is the main question after last night. i am confident that the best goaltender will come out on top when all is said and done.

  5. Please use baseless opinion in place of facts.

    Sean Avery scored then disappeared, whereas our pest answered with a goal of his own and actually showed up late in the game.

    Collective will by the NHL and officials? You sound as idiotic as Bryan Murray. From my p.o.v., both teams scored one PP goal.

    And does the best goaltender let in decision-changing goals late in the game, or buckle down after spotting the other team 3 goals? MAF has yet to lose in the playoffs, but since you say Henrik is better it must be true.

    I never said anything about the Rangers or Henrik (who I believe to be one of the best in the league), only Sean Avery. He wants the spotlight, but can't handle it when 3-goal leads are evaporating quicker than his supposed popularity. Maybe I wouldn't be so hard on him if he'd cut the stupid goal celebration and actually show up in the clutch.

    And Straka did interfere, don;t try to pull that bullshit. And this is coming from a massive Straka fan.

  6. umm, that marc isn't me, the usual marc that comments, just for your info

  7. oh look--there's crosby diving again. hes probably just auditioning for bejing

  8. Anon - Please clarify. Are you calling him a diver, or saying this tongue in cheek?

    If you're calling Crosby a diver then I'd take it that you don't regularly watch hockey.

    If so, kindly shut your mouth or come back when you have something intelligent to add.


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