Wednesday, April 9, 2008

PSaMP's Sens/Pens Playoff Prediction

This is going to be the simplest Sens/Pens Playoff Preview ever. Why? Because I'm a simple guy.

I could make checklists, or ask a buncha bloggers/NHL minds who is going to win.

Instead, I'm going to post my prediction, and why.

Penguins in 5. Explanation?

Game 5 is April 19th at the Igloo. Last April 19th, in Canada, in Game 5, this happened:

I called for revenge on Monday. A series win in Game 5 on April the 19th would be the most fitting. And that picture gets me fired up.

Oh, and if you have an iPhone and have playoff fever, check out Eddy Spaghetti's Penguins iPhone wallpapers. As well as the wallpaper Ed Spags made for PSaMP.

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