Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Classic Mini Pony of the Day 5-20-08

(originally published on 5-20-07)

I think I shed a tear when I first found this picture. Mini ponies should never be hurt, or in pain. They should always be cool, and ready to make people happy. I would hang out with this little guy at all times, because he seems like he needs a cool friend. Don't worry, little buddy. You will always be cool with me. I don't hate on anybody/thing just because they are in a wheelchair. If you were with me right now, I would feed you as much hay/salt lick/sugar cubes as you wanted. You are officially my favorite mini pony of all time.

(Editor's note: Coolest. Little. Horse. Ever?)


  1. At least someone has the appreciation and respect for this mini pony. I am by no means an expert on the health of horses, but I wasn't too thrilled that Eight Belles had to be put down after the Kentucky Derby. Sadly the fate of some race horses is to be slaughtered and sold as food in some European countries. Makes me sad....thank Gary that your blog respects these amazing animals. Great work!

  2. Yeah man, poor little guy. How unfortunate, sad face.

  3. feel bad for that horse, shit i guess it could be worse though

  4. Such a sad-looking little guy.

    Don't worry, buddy, I'll be your cool friend!


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