Thursday, May 29, 2008

Fear The Playoff BTM: Part 3

How do I even begin to describe my current emotions following last night's win?

Praise Sid? Thank God that the presence of Sydor might have changed our luck? Worship Brooks Orpik? Point out to Chris Osgood that goalies with the lead don't flop?

Nah. I'll chalk it up to the Playoff BTM. Home ice might have had something to do with the win, or maybe the whiteout. I think the BTM stepped it up huge, scoring early so Detroit was unable to keep up their puck-control nonsense. It seems the BTM does well when challenged, or when the team's back is against the proverbial wall.

Sid could have easily had a hat trick (or more), if not for the pipes playing about as well as Chris Osgood last night. No matter the case, a win means the BTM has a longer shelf life, and more importantly, means that the Pens are still alive.

Sure, I'd like to see a few other players step it up, like Geno (who played better last night), Hossa (he scores on Saturday. Write that down) or Jordan Staal (sure, he's been playing possessed, but he's missed on several finishes). The BTM can only do so much by itself.

Which is why its nice to have a flower in your corner.

What a win. I've been waiting for that feeling since 1992.

Go Pens!


  1. Likely the best game I've ever watched, between the domination of Crosby and Orpik going nuts I was going crazy the whole game. Lets Go Pens!

  2. MAF is playing out of his mind. He's my hero...

  3. mark it dude!

    keep cheap shotting holmstrom

  4. when youre in a taxi with two other drunken people, and your nonsports minded sister high fives the cab driver after learning of the win, you know that Penguin Mania has officially swept our apartment


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