Thursday, May 22, 2008

Gary Roberts and Chris Chelios Are Old

How money is the Winnipeg Sun?

Straight from their desks, because I'm a blogger in my mom's basement, sitting in my underwear eating Bagel Bites (those things are killer, though) while only wearing my undies as I recycle other folks' stories, comes the realization that both the Pens and Wings have guys who played against each other for a Cup once. In 1989.

And now that I've mentioned it, I really want some Bagel Bites.

Flash back to '89, and we've got a local hockey team with no Cups to its name. Gary Roberts is a second year winger on the eventual Cup-winning Flames. Chris Chelios was finishing up his 15th season as a defenseman for the Montreal Canadiens (Chelios is old).

Both players have won Lord Stanley since Roberts bested Chelios in '89, but while Chelios is a sure-fire HOFer, look at the Sun's recap of Roberts' career:

[Roberts] has been an all-star, had his career ended by injury, made a remarkable comeback, lived through two lockouts, almost carried the Toronto Maple Leafs to a Cup final, changed his life with a second marriage and second family, signed as a free agent in Florida and was traded to Pittsburgh at the deadline one year ago.

He won a Cup in his second full season in Calgary; He has not played for one since.

Unreal timeline.

While I don't like how most sports outlets like to give past stats as a way to predict current outcomes (i.e. Roberts is 1-0 lifetime against Chelios in the Finals), I'd hope that history CAN repeat itself, and despite the change in decades and teams, Roberts can prevail over Chelios once more.

Oh, and I know this is kinda old, but Gary Roberts doesn't hate Pittsburgh. Same can't be said for Chelios and Detroit.

Go Pens!

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