Friday, May 9, 2008

Other Philadelphia Statues To Deface

What with all the furor over who is going to deface (or already has defaced) the Rocky statue in Philly, I'm proposing a few less famous statues that would look good in a Pens uniform. Besides, everyone knows Rocky is a target of Pens fans.

Imagine Philadelphians waking up to see Crosby or Malkin jerseys adorning every statue in their city! I'm giddy about the possibility.

Here's a list of other potential targets. Have at it, Pens fans.

Jeanne d'Arc. Could use a little black to go with that gold.

Lafayette. Could use a little gold to go with that black.

Iroquois. Then, maybe we can distinguish what the hell this thing is.

Thomas Fitzsimons. Dude looks like he could use some protection from acid rain.

Frank Rizzo. Why make a bet with a current mayor when you can get at the former.

Ben Franklin. And then make him look like he's engraving the Penguins' names on the Cup.


  1. A bunch of Flyers fans were about to go to Pittsburgh and deface some Pittsburgh monuments, but then they realized they'd actually have to spend time in Pittsburgh. Not worth it.

  2. Nice post dude. Ive never seen any of those other statues. I've only heard of Ben Franklin and Frank Rizzo. I think Rizzo got a statue solely because he is Italian.

  3. Let's put a parachute on Roberto Clemente's statue.

  4. Anon - so they'd rather stay in Philly and get shot by Marvin Harrison?

    Gonzo - All Italians should get their own statues. I'm waiting for mine.

    Donny - Totally unexpected. And hilarious.

  5. There's one statue in Philadelphia that you left off your list--Derian Hatcher.

  6. excccccellenttt...

  7. I think that it is a lack of respect but it is something more related to competitive and it is quite common as ay per head trial forum posted about it.


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