Friday, May 23, 2008

PSaMP Podcast With Eddy Spaghetti

Podcast it up!

Head on over to my good buddy Ed Spags, who graciously invited me to a Stanley Cup Finals podcast on his site.

My voice kinda sucks. That's what happens when you just get over being sick, then decide to (try to) sing on Rock Band, then podcast the next day. Awful throats all around.

However, it was a ton of fun. Follow the link to get my opinions on which Pens playoff opponent ate more of their own balls, how many games it'll take the Pens to win the Cup (spoiler, 6) and why I have an obvious man-crush on Tyler Kennedy.

Ed Spags has a bunch of other cool Pens bloggers doing similar podcasts, and want to thank the former PSaMP Hiatus Daddy for including me in the series!

Eddy Spaghetti Pens Podcast - Nick From Pittsburgh Sports and Mini Ponies

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