Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Randy Johnson Is A Pretentious D-Bag D-Back

Yes, I said it.

And this is coming from a guy who loves Randy Johnson. The Mariners-era flying mullet? Awesome. The exploding bird? Priceless.

However, the comment he made after the Pirates' 5-3 win last night was a little egotistical, if I dare say so.

To set the stage, the bottom of the 3rd inning provided some fireworks. Neither team had scored, and Doug Mientkiewicz had called a late timeout in the batter's box. Johnson had gotten ready to pitch, and was obviously perturbed at Mientkiewicz's timeout. The two players exchanged words, Johnson started walking toward Mientkiewicz and the benches cleared. Cooler heads prevailed, and nothing of significance happened. Except for Johnson walking Mientkiewicz, then walking in the first run of the game.

Dougie tried to dismiss any friction, and offered the closest thing to an apology:

I'm not going to say much about it, but those things happen, especially when it's hot outside," Mientkiewicz said. "I just asked to get set in the box. Obviously, when pitchers get started it's hard for them to stop.

I'm not trying to get anybody hurt. I don't get many at-bats these days, and I want to at least be ready when I get one.

Johnson tried to forget about the situation as well, but couldn't resist acting like an asshat:

It's not really the storyline," he said. "It didn't bother me at all. If it would've, he'd probably be on a stretcher and I'd be out of the game.

Really? You're 8,000 years old. I'm no huge Mientkiewicz fan, but Johnson comes off looking like a fool. If it didn't bother him, why did Dougie walk? Why did Johnson then walk in the game's first run? Why was he unable to reverse his love for the base-on-balls, issuing 5 of 'em in just under 6 innings?

Johnson was obviously rattled, and allowed the Buccos to win their 5th of their last 8. As my buddy Pat at WHYGAVS said:

...the Bucs are two games under. 500 on June 9th and with the Nationals and Orioles looming on the horizon, they're not going to get a better shot at .500 this year. If they don't do it now, it's not going to happen.

Perfectly put.

And Johnson is still a douche.

1 comment:

  1. What do you suppose it would look like if Mientkiewicz and Randy Johnson swapped haircuts?

    Think about it...


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