Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 7-29-08

Say cheese! Get ready for your closeup.

Little boy looks so sad that he's trapped within the fence. An ideal world would let miniature horses roam wherever they so choose. Sadly, we don't live in that world.

Dream big, and read these links:

Sirius and XM will now be one. I don't have either, so I don't really care. [The Sporting Blog]

The Gorillaz have a hand in the Olympics. I've always wanted to type that sentence. [Stereogum]

Geno and Gonchar are not spending their summer relaxing. [The Sweater Ted]

The Cubs sell ice cream the honors new Brewers pitcher CC Sabathia. [Big League Stew]

Rush Limbaugh wants to buy the St. Louis Rams. I'd throw out a quick one-liner, but I can do no better than that sentence. [The Ghosts of Tropicana Field]

Former FSN Pittsburgh personality Trenni Kusnierek is the object of a lot of affection in Wisconsin. [Chuckie Hacks]

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