Monday, September 15, 2008

Browns Fans Love Their Team

I don't think I've ever felt compelled to flip off anyone/thing after my team just made a good play. This is Brodney Pool celebrating a Ben Roethlisberger sack with the score still knotted up at zeroes.

Join in the fun while the Youtuber scans the crowd, focusing on the many birds being flipped. Who were they all pissed off at? Some random Steelers fan? The Steelers sideline? Their own pitiful excuse for a team?

I'ma go with the latter. Stay classy, Cleveland.


  1. that's an F U to willie, not the browns. good effort though kid.

  2. Hahaha I didn't even have sound when I posted this. Didn't know there was some kid explaining it.


  3. I'm guessing not many of us would be very happy living in Cleveland. Probably just a defensive/reflexive reaction. They should move to Pittsburgh. On second thought: No.


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