Friday, September 12, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 9-12-08

I'm no fan of cats, but this one is pretty rad. It comes from a Myspace profile for someone named simply Mini Pony. Kickass! Little kitty obviously knows what is awesome. And mini pony looks like he's enjoying his cool company.

Rub your face of a mini pony after reading these links:

HHR has a message for the Browns from The Band. And creepy reference to the Texans as well. [Hugging Harold Reynolds]

Speaking of HHR, here's a look at Mewelde Moore's involvement in the Vikings sex boat escapades. Not as graphic as you might expect. [Hugging Harold Reynolds]

The Steelers D should be named Hustle & Flow. Gross and NSFW picture. [Joey Porter's Pit Bulls]

The Browns are no longer a rival? [Sean's Ramblings]

Browns-Steelers, a love/hate relationship for the ages. [Bleacher Report]

I'd beat the shit outta this kid. And the kid videotaping. And anyone else involved. Sickening. [National Nine News]

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