Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 9-2-08

Aw...old boy is shy. And regular. That's a lot of mini horse poo sitting up there. I'd be hiding in a corner if I was in a pen of my own dookie as well.

Go to the bathroom...or read these links:

Eagles fans rule! [One For The Other Thumb]

Think of an awesome cartoon character, wrestler, actor, anyone for The Pensblog to use for the upcoming Penguins season. [The Pensblog]

Solid picture to go with ESPN's recent crowning of Steelers nation as the best fan base in the NFL. [Blog 'N' Gold]

New blog. On The Black Side, by Neal Coolong. [On The Black Side]

Those volleyball chicks lost right after the Olympics. Crazy streak, though. [Yahoo]

Ricky Williams...pre-med student? [SPORTSbyBROOKS]


  1. Tec - That's a misrepresentation. In no way is that D-bag representative of Eagles fans. He should be publicly humiliated for A) Using craig's list to find a date to the Eagles Home Opener B) Posting a picture of his physique (or lack there of) and C) Pretending to be an Eagles fan in order to disguise that he's a tool!

  2. wait, so you're saying Eagles fans are not tools?


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