Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 9-25-08

Today's MPotD comes from reader Katie, who is currently interning (or something) across the pond. This is the British-est MPotD ever. Katie says:

It's Mandy the Shetland Pony. Mandy lived in Knaresborough Zoo in North Yorkshire and died naturally in the 80s.

Awesome. I bet Mandy dominated some tea and crumpets in its time (sorry, that's the only British reference I could come up with at this hour).

Read these bloody links:

Silverback > Bart Scott. In my humble opinion. [On The Black Side]

Tough talk from a dude who writes about an awful Ravens team. The Steelers have no season-changing players, but the Ravens do? [One For The Other Thumb]

Baron Davis is on Jenny Craig. [SPORTSbyBROOKS]

All hail Kimbo Slice, who got to punch David Blaine in the stomach. Lucky. [Awful Announcing]

Pens won last night. [The Pensblog]

Some skier unintentionally jumped off a 351-foot cliff and survived with only minor injuries. Badass. [Homeboy's World of Skiing]

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