Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 9-9-08

Today's MPotD comes from reader Benjamin. Ben wishes he "could be frolicking through a field like this little dude." Couldn't have said it any better myself.

If you aren't currently frolicking, you should be reading...these links:

Big ups to my good buddies at The Pensblog for making it to their 2nd anniversary alive. Nothing but love. [The Pensblog]

We all need golden helmets to emulate Janne Pesonen. [Pesonen and the Pens]

Interview with the hot chick from The Hockey Show. [Love The Game, Don't Like Puck Bunnies]

Yeah, Roger Federer is still good. [...the rest is still Unwritten]

Rest in peace, Evan Tanner. Wow. [Celebridiot]

Hoff in Arizona. That's not creepy. [With Leather]

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