Thursday, October 30, 2008

Inside the Athletes Studio: An Interview with Matt Iseman, Host of Sports Soup

I teased you about this when it first went down, then I revealed the subject in my review of the show's first week, but now you get the actual interview.

I was able to sit down with Matt Iseman, host of Versus' Sports Soup, the Friday before the show debuted. Versus finally got this cut and uploaded, so pretend some of the questions aren't dated. We now know the focus and general outline of how the show is set up, but not so much at the time of our questioning.

Oh, and I'm wearing the same gray shirt today. I'm freakin' dynamic!

Enjoy our candid sitdown with Matt Iseman, host of Sports Soup.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

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