Friday, October 24, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 10-24-08

Wow...look at this hairy little guy!

The MPotD is a little later today, because I wanted to give you time to get your wake and bake on. Thanks, Santonio! You gave me reason to post one of the funniest scenes from a way underrated comedy.


This hairy little guy definitely woke and boke (?) before reading these links:

Brooks Orpik is John Turturro. You don't f*** with the Free Candy. [Eddy Spaghetti]

I'm never opposed to Gina Carano pictures. Mmmmm... [Moondog Sports]

Bizarro NBA predictions. [Cuzoogle]

Hot Tampa Bay Rays fans. [Gunaxin]

Vintage Barkley. [NESW Sports]

Who will be CBB's best freshman? [Intentional Foul]


  1. Is it just me or are others unable to get on Pensblog this morning?

  2. Marc - Don't use Use the domain. Its linked to another simple blogspot page. The guys are re-tooling the design and layout, and said the regular site will be back up over the weekend. Maintenance.

  3. No Holmes, maybe Sweed will make some grabs. Nate has been solid so far this year too.

    Wonder if the league will get involved, Matt Jones only got 3 games for coke, One would think that weed would warrant a lesser punishment


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