Thursday, October 9, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 10-9-08

Thanks to fantastic blog Signal to Noise for sending the following along. I can't embed the video, so you'll have to go to the website to watch it. Yes, mini ponies are always therapeutic.

KNTV in the Bay area rules. They've successfully made the news so much more interesting.

The mini horse, Magic, helps people. If you aren't helping people right now, you should be reading these links:

A blogger tried out for the D-League and failed. [Hoops Addict]

The first half of Wooderson is playing out of his mind. [One For The Other Thumb]

You can win free Penguins stuff from Pensburgh just by watching Sid and Co. [Pensburgh]

In case you didn't read the latest dick move by Stuart Scott. [Deadspin]

The complete Sidney Crosby: In My Own Words, Season III. [The Sidney Crosby Show]

Lanny Frattare was not pushed out out of his broadcaster role by the Buccos. [Post Gazette]

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