Friday, October 31, 2008

Old Stuff Rules: Footage of CFB's 1936 Season

There's no sound, but this video is still pretty killer. How many chances have you had to watch footage from college football's 1936 season?

I have no true CFB allegiance, seeing as how I went to St. Vincent College while they had no team. I don't subscribe to the theory that you have to choose between Penn State and Pitt...I like them both. Actually, I was talking about Pitt with a certain former WVU Mountaineer last night (tease, tease).

So as happy as I am that Penn State is killing it this year, I still show love for Pitt, too. Which is why I find this footage fascinating. We watch modern football and take the sport and its modern advancements for granted. Watch how many handoffs take place in this video.

Now, uniforms weren't that modern either in '36-'37, so it might be hard to tell the difference between Pitt and the University of Washington, so I'll tell you how to understand what's going on. This is from the Rose Bowl, early in 1937, in which #3 Pitt beat #5 UW (it was the first year of the AP Writer's Poll) 21-0. Pretty much all the big offensive plays...that's Pitt. Badass.

Oh, and cool 70 yard INT return for a touchdown, Pitt!


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