Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Shane Douglas Was Smart

Irregardless of what you think of former Pittsburgh-area wrestler Shane Douglas, you gotta admit that dude's lexicon is like a nucular war on Pennsylvania's edumacation system.

And now I'll quit using fake words.

I dug up some old video of the former ECW Heavyweight Champion and New Brighton native (probably a neighbor of Terry Francona) dissing wrestler Terry Funk in some post-fight interview.

What was that, Shane? What was Funk's knee smash into? Obliteratitry?

And thanks for dominating that Steelers hat while you're making up words. Its not like the rest of the country already has some bias against the region as dumb, hick country. Keep proliferating the ignorance, man.


  1. too bad that the rumor going around is that he got arrested for forging a dr's signature to get drugs that's what is going around in his home toen of new brighton

  2. as a matter of fact here's the info on his arrest. so the rumors are true to bad he was a school teacher at new brighton and my daughter had him for a teacher.

    Published: Friday, October 24, 2008 4:31 PM EDT
    A North Sewickley Township man has been indicted by a grand jury with illegal drug possession.

    According to a news release from the U.S. attorney’s office in Pittsburgh, Troy A. Martin, 44, of 3470 River Road, Apartment 1, illegally obtained pain pills from four Beaver County pharmacies in 2004 and 2005.


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