Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Toddlers Love That Steelers Gear NFL Shop Commercial

Every time that NFL Shop commercial with all the Steelers gear comes on, I'm immediately reminded of our [Unnamed] Steelers Pregame Show set. Video of said commercial is below.

I don't know why, but the toddler in the above video is killing me. And I'm one to usually hate on movies/commercials or anything that has kids digitally talking. I guess this one works because it's (sorta) the real deal. Well, as real as a lip-synching toddler could be.

And sorry if this tyke is an infant or a baby or squirt instead of a toddler. I really don't know the difference.

Here's the video/song that kid is destroying.


  1. i think the correct term is rugrat and / or little idiot

  2. We should get that kid to be a guest on the show.

    Kid > Those three things (?)

  3. The wee one there is imitating a parent, possibly the father of the child since the father is normally the dorky one, while the commercial/song is played.

    cotter you do not want that child on your show, it will just take all your stuff and throw it on the floor.

  4. Sheena - Little jerk?

    Cotter - Nothing is better than those three things

    Doug - ...since the father is normally the dorky one.

    Speaking from experience? :)

  5. yeah, from experience.

    right now, i'm just say - yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

    the kid loves it, and repeats it back. it's the little things


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