Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 11-25-08

The weather outside is getting frightful as hell. Good thing this little dude is bundled up.

Eat these links:

Be sure to watch my buddy Ethan's new sports blog show. I see big things in the future. [NESW Sports]

I'm interviewed by my buddy Phil over at Gunaxin. I love short answers. [Gunaxin]

Damn Steelers injuries. [OFTOT]

The NFL is broadcasting in 3-D this weekend. [Steady Burn]

My boy Cuzzy wants to give YOU 25 bucks...If you can guess when the Raps' Sam Mitchell will get fired. [Cuzoogle]

HHR's friend met Mike Tyson in Shanghai. Of course. [Hugging Harold Reynolds]

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