Friday, November 7, 2008

Mini Pony of the Day 11-7-08

No clue what this picture means, but it has a mini pony in it, and I found it here. And the middle picture?...

...Hey baby (x2).

I'm in transit today getting ready for my sister's wedding tomorrow, so don't expect much. Maybe a little something around noon.

Enjoy your Friday with these links:

Time for the student to become the teacher (complete with nightmare fuel Tony Dungy Photoshop). [One For The Other Thumb]

Facebook claims another victim. A backup center from Texas wrote racist shit about Obama. He's off the team. [The World of Isaac]

Penn State could be helped by the Big 12 and SEC battles. [Moondog Sports]

Cal Bear vs. Stanford Tree? [The Sports Culture]

Dude sinks a million dollar golf shot. [Steady Burn]

How Obama is going to help the Braves. [The Launching Pad]

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