Monday, November 24, 2008

This Little Kid is Cool and Not Cool at the Same Time

Yeah, we're nearly a month past the election, but that doesn't mean we should stop little kids from expressing their political views. Because when I want political endorsements, I ALWAYS turn to tykes.

Not only would this little kid "make the Pittsburgh Steelers president," she would also "vote for them."

I think you got it backwards, kid.

However, this little girl is obviously a fake Steelers fan. She's only "making" the Steelers president because her dad is a fan. Plus, she endorses John McCain, because Obama wants to "take the rich peoples' money and give it to the lazy people", whereas McCain "wants them to get their own jobs."

Guess she didn't see that nearly every Steeler (and the organization) this side of Lynn Swann (and Hank Williams Jr.) backed Barry Obamy.

Oh well. I'll let it slide. You know, since the election is over. And because this girl is like 3.

Rock on. Peace out!

/picks booger
//endorses losing candidate


  1. yessss...come over to the dark side and use verbiage like Barry Obamy


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