Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Troy Polamalu's Younger Brother Might Be Good at Football, Too

Man, I didn't even know Troy had a younger brother. According to his Steelers.com profile, Troy only has one brother, Sakio, and three sisters. But then I remembered about Troy's name change.

Early in 2007, Troy changed his name from Troy Benjamin Aumua to Troy Aumua Polamalu. Polamalu was his mother's maiden name, who I believe Troy lived with after his parents divorced. They split right after Troy was born, so Troy wanted to honor his mother's side of the family. If his father's last name was Aumua, like the kid in the above video, perhaps the two Aumua's are half-brothers.

Gotta love blogger research and speculation.

Still, the kid mentions that Troy was a huge influence in his football life, so it appears that the two have some sort of relationship.

Most of this video is just Russell going through drills and sprints, and any useful information comes after the 6 minute mark. He's a senior in HS, so if Troy can quit getting concussions for the next 3-4 seasons, we could potentially see an all Aumua defensive backfield in Black and Gold.

He's gotta be better than Anthony Smith, right?


  1. I love the ominous Monk chanting going on in the background. That's pretty badass. Someday I hope they make a highlight reel for me with Monks chanting.

    But I guess that would require that I do something from which one could construct a highlight reel. Does 007 for N64 count? Rock Band?

  2. Anyone with Polamalu blood in their veins would make a hell of a football player.

  3. I am closely related to Troy and know for a FACT that he does not have any additional brothers. He has only ONE OLDER brother named Kaio, and 3 sisters named Patricia, Sheila and Lupe. Troy is the baby of 5. Troy's father was never involved in his life and left when Troy was an infant. He was raised by his mother's family, hence the name Polamalu. His biological father is named Aumua and had a female child with another woman later.

  4. yes but lupe is younger than troy so doesn't that mean he is not the youngest?


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