Tuesday, January 13, 2009

16 Year Old Chinese Boys Think The Ravens Suck

We've got more fantastic video from my bud Gavin over in China. You may (should) remember Gavin from the 3,000 Chinese Steeler fans video, and the video of an old guy named Jack toasting the NFL season.

Since Gavin is a displaced fan with the biggest game of the year and potential Super Bowl bid coming up, he made sure to make his voice heard. Well, not exactly his voice, but you get what I'm going for.

Today, we have a 16 year old boy from Shenzhen, China, talking shit on the Ravens. Because when the Steelers need fired up, they should ALWAYS get China's opinion.

"The Ravens may play in Baltimore, but Steelers fans still think of them as the Browns, a sorry team." Oh, and Ray Lewis is an "over-the-hill criminal."

Couldn't have said it better myself, man.

Any Tibetan Ravens fans want to counter?

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