Thursday, January 8, 2009

China Toasts the 2008 NFL Season

Last month, we found a video of 3,000 Chinese people cheering for the Steelers in unison and posted it to the site. It was one of those things that boggles the mind, and something you don't really expect to see.

Well, I got in touch with the guy who led the cheer, a guy named Gavin, who is teaching English in China until sometime in June. Those were his students supporting Pittsburgh. He keeps a pretty badass blog of his time and experiences in the country, but its private, so there's no use linking to it.

Anyway, Gavin assured me that he's a legit Steelers fan, and promised to send along at least another video from China. That video is above. It is of a Chinese man named Jack toasting the 2008 NFL season. Because why wouldn't he?

I'm not gonna re-type everything he says, but he does give props to guys like Aaron Rodgers and Matt Ryan, teams like the Eagles and Cowboys, and especially the Steelers. Here's what he had to say about our team:

"To James Harrison, for playing like an animal. To the Steelers, for battling through injuries and the league's hardest schedule."

Actually, it was more of "hardest skey-jer." And they say Pittsburghers have accents. Really dude, we don't have a league called the NFAir.

Still, China is pretty much the other side of the world, so I'm impressed that Jack got it right for the most part.

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