Thursday, January 15, 2009

ESPN is Dead to Me

ESPN has sucked for awhile, but I've still gone to it as a somewhat-reliable sports-news source.


Right now, the lead story on the .com is some bullshit, factless piece of turd article about former Steelers doctor Richard Rydze and his connection with HGH. A year and a half after the story's been dead. And 3 days before the Steelers play in the AFC Championship game.

And in the middle of the article is a reminder to watch the Outside the Lines report on Rydze. I hope Bob Ley skips that taping out of protest.

You self-serving assholes at ESPN have completely corrupted the entity that had such a high ceiling back in 1979.

How can anyone in their right minds read such an obvious shit-stirring article and come off believing that ESPN is still an impartial third party? Tomorrow, will we all be subjected to more stories about Ray Lewis stabbing someone? Saturday will be the reminder that Dan Rooney's other brothers are into gambling. And right before the game, we'll learn that James Harrison was arrested for assault!

When does it stop? When does ESPN stop these blatantly pathetic stories to push pageviews? The blogosphere gets way too much credit for being the bad guys that are cluttering up the tubes with nonsense. Maybe we learned it from from someone even worse.

If you want to believe that Richard Rydze somehow helped this #1 ranked defense, then go right ahead. But to have it as the lead story with no more evidence than a hunch...that's just downright despicable. Don't look at the other side, where a proactive owner parted ways with a doctor before any asinine allegations like these could float around. We heard your disgusting take 2 years ago, and again when the issue proved to have no significance a year and a half ago.

I allege that Rodney Harrison was selling HGH to all of his Patriots teammates before he served his 4-game suspension for the drug. Not really, but I basically just gave you what you'll get from bullshit writer Mike Fish in that article.

Sorry if I'm not really staying on topic or anything, but there's only so much a man can write with a certain level of rage flowing through his veins. How about stick to the sports, ESPN, instead of the nonsense.

Or just go away.


  1. I gave up on ESPN years ago, I use to love watching sportscenter in the morning, catching up on all sports. Then they started showing all these heartfelt pieces where highlights should have been. I stopped watching and this is when my knowledge of the NHL, MLB, and NBA started to fade. I now watch the NFL network in the morning. F ESPN.

  2. this literally made me gag

  3. ESPN may as well be static to me: annoying noise.

    The picture made me geek out a little.

  4. bohica - simply, and elegantly put

    Doug - I did, too. I still watch ESPNews because there's nothing on that level to take its place. But something this blatantly obvious is just ridiculous.

    Sheena - I vomited hard

    izz - D GENERATION X!


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