Friday, January 23, 2009

James Harrison > You

Remember when James Harrison used to be number 42? As in, before he was cut by the team and signed to the practice squad in 2002?

I only post this because my buddy Bob and I love the numbers 14 and 42 for some reason. Makes us giggle. They're just fun numbers to say.

Pre-Silverback is plotting his eventual conquest of the DMVP award.


  1. He wasn't nearly the monster he is now.

  2. I love the silverback, I kind of wish he was still #42, its a great number

  3. My birthday is the 14th, and I have a bizarre obsession - it's really my only superstition, but I've always sworn that 14 is a lucky number. Until this year. Mr. Limas Sweed is really making me question the power of the 14. I hope it comes through for him next week. :)

    (42 I can take or leave, but Harrison I will TAKE.)

  4. he was born a monster, i heard his mother was part gorilla and part cowboy.


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