Friday, January 23, 2009

Mini Pony of the Day 1-23-09

Whoever took this picture did so at the perfect time. Look at that hair wave! Little kid knows it.

After you look at it for a few minutes, look at these links:

Hines Ward will have his hyperbaric chamber in Tampa. Phew. [OFTOT]

10 reasons the Steelers can't lose the Super Bowl. [Five Tool Tool]

10 most valuable sports franchises. Glad the Patriots, 'Skins, Cowboys, Giants, Jets and Texans are all still playing. [Moondog Sports]

Megan Fox as Lara Croft? I'll allow it. [Sharapova's Thigh]

Sid's out of the All-Star Game. [The Pensblog]

Yeah, I'll give props to Alonzo Mourning, who retired...again. [4th and Fail]


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