Friday, February 13, 2009

10 Year Old Kids Bowl Better Than The Penguins

Feel-good stories rule.

Yesterday, the Pens joined up with the Make-A-Wish Foundation for the inaugural Pens and Pins tournament. This is the type of thing where you can actually smile when a local athlete sucks.

The players who helped out served as a celebrity captain for each team. The newly-formed Penguins Wives Association set up the event, which included bowling, a bake sale and silent auction.

Potash (yes!) was there, as were a slew of Penguins players and their WAGs. However I have to cut up on a certain Pen, who obviously hasn't been watching his Lebowski or Kingpin. MAF, you may make me feel old and unaccomplished in life by being a successful athlete, but dammit, I could probably beat you at bowling. And I suck at bowling.

"I’m terrible,” Fleury noted. “I finished last in my group. These kids beat me. I didn’t expect that out of me, being so bad. I’ve got to work on that."

To top that off, here's what some kid had to say about MAF, emphasis mine:

"I already beat him, I don’t know if he’s that good at bowling,” Bryce Cunningham, 10, said. “It’s pretty fun because you just all get together and bowl."

BURN! Here's some more cool photos of the event.


Sergei's looking healthy. Get that guy on the ice if he's well enough to hit the alleys.

Geno does NOT get Munsoned.

1 comment:

  1. On a completely unrelated note, the winner of the H.O.R.S.E. game in the NBA All-Star Weekend events (Kevin Durant) got a mini-pony-esque trophy. I immediately thought of you....

    P.S. you should watch the video clip on to see for yourself.


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