Monday, February 9, 2009

Mini Pony of the Day 2-9-09

Nice, uh, bales of hay? Or furry collar? I can't tell which is better, because I'm more concerned with...

...Hey, baby.

Just read on, man:

Random Steelers musings this Monday. The offseason is here, dammit. [OFTOT]

Adam "Van" Morrison is now a Laker. [Lake Show Life]

Kevin Garnett pretty much has OCD about his outfits. I don't own any "outfits." [NESW Sports]

Woulda been nice to win this one, Pens. Conklin was money, though. [The Pensblog]

Ohio State had a good recruiting class. They still won't beat the SEC anytime soon, though. [Moondog Sports]

ESPN "analyst" Jamal Anderson was arrested on felony cocaine and misdemeanor marijuana charges. [Awful Announcing]

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure KG's "outfits" look a little different 8 years later.


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