Thursday, February 12, 2009

That Dude Behind Dan Potash Sucks

h/t to The Pensblog for the video.

Guess what, dude? Dan Potash is unflappable.

I've never really liked it when idiots purposefully interrupt stuff just to get their face on t.v. The only thing remotely close that was still acceptable was back when I was younger and still living in the 'Burgh, my dad had a business trip to New York City (where I now live), and waved to the camera on Good Morning America. Now, its acceptable because that kinda thing is the norm on GMA when they, you know, pan to the crowd.

But if you're at a Penguins game, and the amazing Dan Potash is interviewing Robert Morris' head coach, don't pull a "look at me" with a terrible attempt at The Robot or some shit.

Potash is the pinnacle of professionalism, and always seems to put forth a solid interview. He might be one of the best on-field (on-ice?) reporters in the game. If I was in his place, and some fool started showboating behind me just to get on camera, the mic would instantly drop, and a haymaker would be flying in the direction of said asshat.

And that's why I blog and Dan Potash gets things done.

1 comment:

  1. Potash is a toolbag. A professional, maybe, but he's a few stitches shy of being a Muppet.

    I miss Trenni.


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